Gor's answer page 2 (118)

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alright lemme tell you a secret ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .........   reply
21 06,2021
Ayo, If I get hungry im eating one of you   1 reply
24 01,2021
i-   reply
04 02,2021
prolly omega cuz im pretty much always in heat yet no one knows..until now-   reply
23 01,2021
Gor 05 02,2021
05 02,2021
about say sorry
but then theres thighs... im sorry but thighs are better than boobies   reply
29 04,2021
Brov thats to much for me to read- Ight im bac because i actually read this after giving in and tbh this hoe aint wrong-   reply
23 01,2021
and i hope you die   1 reply
30 04,2021
¨manganelo, mangahasu, can a child go to jail, how old am i,whos the tallest person alive, whos the oldest person alive, Shounen ai..,Yaoi, suicide hotspots, ¨   reply
23 01,2021
about question
this man right here was a childhood crush i also liked charlie D. from all dogs go to heaven-kipper the dog~   reply
09 06,2021
Gor 10 05,2021
i overdose on melatonin and go to sleep   1 reply
10 05,2021
trying to stab my bully with a pencil and then students started spreading rumors about me so i was practically labeled as the ¨psycho¨ and no guys wanted to be around me the rumors followed me to 6th grade but the school didnt do anything to help me i was being bulled for a year and a half and then i finally told the school and my parents because......   1 reply
07 06,2021
Gor 30 04,2021
Why do i keep thinking your one of those weird 11 year olds who smell like pee   1 reply
30 04,2021
about question
04 02,2021
¨my siblings.¨ thats all i have to say and they shut tf up   reply
05 02,2021
19 days has been for the past few years and im not sure if that'll chnage LMAO   reply
09 05,2024
Gor 23 06,2021
its late but happy birthday little shit   reply
23 06,2021
Gor 23 06,2021
i dont think hashtags and @'s work on here luv   reply
23 06,2021
about question
pls i will now be taking my 30$ from each mlm fetishizer too as a fee if not   reply
07 06,2021