vaelynn's question page 1 (21)

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I watched this TikTok about a girl and her bf and gf getting it on together but then the bf forgot the condom and the girl is pregnant but then the girl has been cheating so she doesn't know who the father is

she slept with 18 diff men cuz she wanted to make a baby with somebody but they always brought a condom

yeah it was a storytime ig the girl got problems now
27 04,2021
about lmao
vaelynn 29 06,2021
im being name-dropped and dragged outta hiatus at this point lmfao
yall know this bitch?
yeah that bitch named QS
hunny u have no reason ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING REASON
to make my bff of 2 years cry her ass off
ur transphobic ass needs to sit down somewhere and think abt wtf u have done cuz apparently u cant handle the damn truth
u did this to ur fucking self and if u have a problem with it then mic up transphobic ass bitch
29 06,2021
I'm inspired so?
01 07,2021
okay, this is just a question that may result in whoever answers might be friends with me but have you ever had a moment like at night and you're on mangago and you hear someone walk past your room?
or like in the morning idk but istfg you get small panic attacks from it and it just-
it sucks- and then when your parents do catch you, you have to quickly hide that shit or delete your history like pls- it's fucking suffocating
anyway hope I'm not the only one with this problem- b y e
18 05,2021
anybody know what happened to @Sangwoo´s bitch
like they randomly got deleted and so did their question-

I'm so confused like what did they do? or like who reported them?
sorry for being nosey I just wanna know-
28 04,2021
about question
I was texting my wife, fruity ofc
then like I leave for an hr or so and I come back to her page just like not there-
did she get restricted or something?
cuz she didn't delete her acc and like you can't click on it.
what even happened? did she do something wrong?
I'm so confused, wtf happened while I was gone?-
12 05,2021
okay so regarding this user @Cassie
yes im gonna @ you ya dumb bitch
so you had the damn GUTS to say I was trolling and then say
"oh why don't yall just ignore it, this person just wants attention"
I didn't want ANY attention tbh
I posted it cuz I can and if you have a problem with it then oh well I'm sorry
but you're telling others to ignore it when you couldn't even ignore the post yourself? what a dumb bitch you are

If you wanna start shit then step up and have a reason
be the bigger person and don't comment if you wanna say some dumbass shit
ya like I'm usually nice with this kinda thing but oh boy you fucked up dear!

The only reason why I even posted it was because none of y'all mfs interesting anymore! like all I see on my side bar is fucking picrews like BE BETTER MAN

anyways this was just a small rant
if she won't post up then I will <3
30 04,2021
so me and @JwL are making a photography club!
(credits to yaribu for the idea ofc)
It won't be like the yaribu club at all due to the form so don't worry!
If you wanna join then just insert a yaribu character or meme in the comment section

I will follow you and then make a post about the form that you will need to fill out
anyways hope you join! ^^
29 04,2021
about lmao
clickbait title I'm so very sorry TnT

1. anyways have you ever (as a kid) turned off all the lights and ran straight into your room thinking there was something in the darkness coming to get you


2. have you ever tried making cereal but then saw there was no milk?
if you have then it happens to the best of us-
rip milk that your father(or mom) prob spent years in the store to get TwT

anyways that's all I wanted to ask, very sorry about the clickbait title once again .,.
23 04,2021
about question
why tf do people read a BL manga and then start complaining?
here are some examples:
¨Oh why is he the seme? he looks like an uke¨
¨why does the uke look like a 12 y.o¨

like its annoying, we don't need your damn input-
if you wanna say something bad then keep it to ya self, there are tags for a reason

like I just finished reading Ore to Aitsu no Jikangai ××
and some people in the comments were complaining about the 2nd couple
honestly can't we just appreciate the artist? like they made the manga for us to enjoy not complain about like fucking toddlers who didn't get there Ninjago lego set-

anyway that's enough for me being deeply confused, goodbye :)
24 05,2021
My best friend and I just moved into our new place as she sets the rest of her stuff down on her desk apart from mine. I take off my shoes as she glances over to me and smile as I turn away while blushing bright red like a tomato, I've had a crush on her since middle school so it's very surprising that I got this far without telling her how I feel. She walks and leans over to me with this smirk on her face as I fall onto the bed as my safety cushion. She then puts her hand up my skirt, rubbing my thigh as I blush more and avoid eye contact. She makes me face her as she starts to rub my panties over my wet pussy as I start to let out moans, she giggles and sits down on the bed then makes me lean in a laying down position as she moves my head on her lap and she takes off my panties and starts to rub my clit as I moan louder and hold onto her shirt as my toes curl up. I try to not let out that many moans to show her that I'm never gonna fall into submission but she always has a way of making me do so. She stops rubbing my clit and makes me sit on top of her as she lifts up my shirt and starts sucking on my breasts and biting my nipples, giving me more pleasure than before as I let out more of my lewd moans. She keeps sucking as I cum and start panting while she stops sucking my breasts and smiles at me “good job baby”, she says as she holds my waist to make sure I don't fall or lean back “thank you..”, I say as I'm overwhelmed with pleasure, this was officially the best day of my life.

part 2 will be released whenever >->
29 04,2021
vaelynn 29 04,2021

okay so like me and a few people are starting our own photography club
(credits to yaribu)

but it's like a diff version, of course it'll still have the main activities obvi
Im the co-host because I mentioned it lmfao
and my friend is the main host since they started the topic (not revealing our identities thoo)

if ya wanna join then just like put a picture of any yaribu meme or character in the reply section and we will decide your role mk? okay-
I thought this through so like be patient if we cant get to you-

anyways hope yall join or notice this shit
peace out babes <3
29 04,2021
as yall have read the dear title
even though Im already a sensitive mess and I take things to heart <3
should I delete that one story I made abt fking dead bodies?
Like hold up lemme clear sum shit up

I didn't even know what Necrophilia was until yall kept saying shit about it
and the reason why I didn't know is because Im a dumb bitch and I do bring up bad/triggering topics.
also I lowkey did end up getting a panic attack in the middle of writing it because I have a bad history with rxping (Im a dumb bitch and I decided to ignore that panic attack even though I was panting and sweating like crazy)
so like when yall said somebody could've gotten a panic attack I was laughing like I just stubbed my fucking toe and enjoyed it lmfao

anyways glad we cleared that up now should I delete it or no?
but If I do delete it, I will make another fucked up story but like- not something that bad? ig-

anyway should I? If I do then thank ya for ur opinion babes </3
30 04,2021
After my friend made me cum, I started wanting more although she hates beggars but I wanted to agitate her more. The more I agitate her, the more pain I get, and for me that pain ends up turning into pleasure. I came back to my senses as I looked at her then she smirked, knowing exactly what I wanted and when I wanted it and I wanted it right then and there but I had to return the favor by getting off her lap and taking off her skirt and panties only to see a dripping wet pussy right in front of me. I leaned down and started to suck on her breasts while rubbing my finger on her pussy. I didn't want to insert a finger because she doesn't like that nor does she like it when I go too far with her. I rub her clit as she lets out a few moans and I decide to kiss her while teasing her clit. I stopped kissing her only to figure out that she came during the kiss, what a cutie! I get up as I smile at her and kiss her to let her know I'm finished. I guess this was the best day for her too.

I'll post pt.3 whenever hope yall enjoy this babes! <3
29 04,2021
about lmao
Can anybody just like- become friends with me?
I'm lonely af and I'm desperate lmao

But no seriously, I'm desperate for friends since I'm lonely and nobody likes me at all-
I'm just a manga translator TnT
23 04,2021
I was walking home one night and smelt something terrible that would've made somebody vomit, but for me it was a very delightful smell. It almost smelt like a dead body and when I turned the corner into a deep alleyway, it was a dead body and it was a male! even better!! I went over to it and took off the dead body's pants. He felt warm so I can tell that it happened recently. I took off my shorts and my panties as I fingered my dripping wet pussy, oh to imagine having sex with a dead person that can't move at all! I took off the male's underwear and lifted his dick up as I put it inside of my pussy and started moving up and down. The sensation of his cold dick inside my pussy walls felt so good towards I practically came right then and there. I got up and put my clothes back on, feeling weaker than usual as I walked away. What a wonderful day today was, hope to do it again someday!
30 04,2021
I just wanna know >_>

hell I'll say what I remember-
I used to put a mattress or something on the stairs and slide down then bump my head- gosh I was dumb :^
03 05,2021
about question
okay okay heads up, the title makes 0 fucking sense-

ima upload a manga that has been like dropped by the translator if that makes sense cause I do know how to translate mangas- just never done it on this site before
anyways just like comment down a manga that's been dropped or the translator sucks-
ex: the 2nd translator of Pumpkin Night is racist-

I was gonna retranslate a GL manga then completely forgot what I was doing so now I gotta find it but anyways, Im bored and I wanna translate :)
20 05,2021
pt. 2 of the aftermath of the zoo trip
02 07,2021
Hi there! ~❀
Below will be the form that you *MUST* fill out if you're joining this club!

But before reading please take a look at the rules pasted down below

|| Rules ||

•Refrain from talking about certain topics such as suicide and other trigging matters.
(This applies to racist, sexist and homophobic comments.)
•Be respectful to everyone. Especially the host, co-host and staff members.
•Do not start any fights/arguments
•Don't talk about serious topics such as Religion, Politics, etc..
•Be nice. Double nice will do lmao
•Use common sense. If you think that something might not be allowed, don't do it.
(Failing to do so will result in a ban from the club).

{Credit to our main host @JwL for making the rules <3}

Name: [Insert here]
Age: [Insert here <don't do it if you don't want to>]
Role: [Don't fill this out! I will announce roles a different way]
Pronouns: [Insert here]
Likes: [Optional if you want to fill this out]
Dislikes: [Optional if you want to fill this out]
Triggers: [You must fill this out so we don’t mention them]

Please mark which one you would prefer to be in with an “X”

Please choose your NSFW role (mark with an “X”)

Do you agree to the rules? (please mark with an “X”)

Other than this, I hope you enjoy your time at this club!
If you have any questions please contact me(@Xuqnv) or @JwL

Also, I will paste down the part of the form
that you will need to fill out in the comment section
so don't worry about it babes!
29 04,2021