Bitch I'm up's answer page 5 (688)

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Nah fuck that question a better question is boobs or ass?   2 reply
30 12,2023
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Bro this question has been asked like 20 times this week give it a Rast   reply
23 02,2024
Nah I just knew this had to do something with me after seeing the title   2 reply
05 02,2024
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Let's be honest the reason no one said anything was because nobody had the patience to read that far down in their bio like why do you think it's so far down in their bio? ️   1 reply
02 02,2024
Cock a doodle doo   reply
23 07,2021
about question
3 days ago: Now:honestly low-key proud   1 reply
08 02,2024
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Bitch I'm up
01 03,2024
Yeah you know I used to think people who hate someone just because they're a man was a little stupid but you know over time I realized 99% of man shouldn't even be considered human   reply
01 03,2024
My mom made me get up by dropping cold water on me   2 reply
24 12,2023
about question
I think this is a sign you might need to take a break from mgg   2 reply
31 05,2024
OK for me it's gum like I fr go through at least 6 packs of gum in a month and you know the really big gum pack with 28 Sticks of gum yeah I eat it all in 3 days and it only lasted that long because I Controlled myself from eating it all   1 reply
10 02,2024
Here you go I'll answer your question also look at this baby boy in a made dress   1 reply
29 06,2021
Bitch I'm up
13 02,2024
Damn bro I kinda relate like it's not my fault I'm just so good at flirting but don't worry bro it's not your fault and maybe try to talk to her and explain the situation? Also happy birthday oh also happy Valentines day️‍   reply
13 02,2024
about question
Because no one can see their face and they think they are safe on here plus a lot of their "kind" aka weirdos are on here to feed their disgusting desires like seeing kids getting fucked and raped on here without consequences in real life and for the racist ass holes on here I honestly think they are just bored and want to be asses with no conseque......   reply
01 01,2024
about question
I don’t have one bc I don’t read dog shit unlike you guys I actually have good taste   4 reply
02 06,2024
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You fucking monster like out of all the things you could have said to read you say that shit? like you could have said ANYTHING else and it would have been better   1 reply
10 01,2024
Let them die let them die let them Shrivel up and die! ok but fr Meanest/sassyest I gotta say @Erika I guess? Tbh not really mean or sassy just brutally honest and just doesn't give to fucks (please don't kill me if you see this I already been in to many useless mgg fights yesterday ) nicest/normal tbh 100% @[DELETED] Like bitch is probably the......   2 reply
17 02,2024
about question
Bitch I'm up
01 01,2024
Y'all are so lucky I swear I will get a cat even if I have to die for it   1 reply
01 01,2024
I mean this guy   6 reply
18 11,2023
I gave that shit up a long time ago honestly all I can do is salute to the readers who stayed that long you bitches , will power be crazy   1 reply
18 02,2024
Bitch how am I supposed to respond to that?   reply
20 07,2021