Offline's question page 4 (348)

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You get into a fight with your (11th picture) your best friend hyping you up (15th picture). Your teacher that should be stopping this but is too lazy and is guessing who will win while eating popcorn (23th picture). You (6th picture). That One student that is just recording it all (13th picture)
02 07,2021
I know anybody that has watched this anime or played the game or read the manga is probably gonna have something to say about this I mean at least 1 person does but akechi x joker in persona 5
22 07,2021
I don't know why but I really wanna make a new account hmmmHMMmmm
21 05,2021
about question
It just happened so suddenly I mean yeah me and my mom don't really get along that much but damn I don't know how to feel about this
25 02,2024
about question
jinx 100% like you guys are literally the reason the word delulu was invented because delusional was not enough for you guys like if i lost a drop of blood every time I seen a comment saying he was a green flag/or "omg he is becoming a green flag! " even though he is literally raping the uke I would be dead by now like maybe he is VERY little lighter shade of red and when I say very I mean VERY like really focus on the very little part like maybe he want from a reallyyyy dark dark dark dark dark dark dark dark ......dark dark dark dark shade of red to dark dark dark dark dark dark ......dark dark dark a veryyyy little lighter shade of red dark red but who knows maybe even I'm being delusional at this point
29 11,2023
about question
So I'm still reading it I'm on 260 something and I still like it but a lot of people said they dropped it cause it was dragging out I can see that but I'm still gonna read it cause I like it but I wanna know the reasons for you keep reading it and I reasons for why you dropped it?
26 05,2021
about question
So I seen a lot of people wished for more options so I looked and I think I found one that has a lot more of options and is a lot more inclusive (●'◡'●)
21 days
about question
Nah let's be real if you don't end your (pointless) online augments with a enemy to lover trope then wth are you fighting for? 1th 2th
18 01,2024
No never I get to board easily cause I know it's gonna happen and I have shit memories so I forget the characters names:(
22 05,2021
So I just wanna say I'm a girl and I am bisexual and I really like this girl and I wanna ask her out but my family is super homophobic like if it's not a boy and girl they get super mad and disgusted for some reason so should I tell them cause they say how they love me but every time I bring up the subject about a boy in a boy or girl the girl or something like that they get really mad at me?!
11 05,2021
Like bro I'm so fucking bored rn and I need something to do but all of them are 17+ ok to be fair i only seen one but you get the point and no don't worry I'm not a Literal child I am a teenager just not 17+ and it doesn't have to be a mangago server but just like a server you recommend that you don't have to be 17+ for
09 02,2024
A little girl being homophobic by the way she was 12 and then trying to switch it up if you saw it you know what I mean someone sing how they came on the bible and another person saying how they masturbate with soda I'm pretty sure it other 2 were just jokes I'm talking about the 2 last ones but anyway yeah the worst things I can remember
09 05,2021
So it doesn't have to be romance but I couldn't fit in all the title but anyway here's my cherry blossoms after water solo leveling you're still cute today lot more but is can't think of it right now(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
16 05,2021
about question
Well for starters my reading has not gone over 100 yet also I had this very proud moment where this ass was being rude so I kicked him in the balls and I won the fight at my stepmom's sister's wedding and everybody was just looking I felt very proud ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
18 07,2021
When I woke up I didn't know where I was I looked around me and there were six other people not including me four girls and three guys making it for including me all the sudden someone said oh looks like the last person's up this is interesting I thought least one of you would die but you're all alive such a shame did it say die? why would we die? Some of them looked scared mad sad but I can tell all of them were terrified no matter how many of them were trying to act tough anyways you're all probably wondering why you are here well that's simple all of you might have noticed or might have not noticed you have pain in your left eye well that's simple all of you might have noticed by looking at each other's faces that all of you have a different color eye your right and left eye your original is the right eye color but your left eye is an eye we put in is what IT said did he just say put in two different colors eyes what the hell is he talking about it's just a dream I really hope it's just a bad dream well that's what I hoped but deep down I knew that this was not a dream hey stuffed bear why don't you shut the f****** up why the f*** are we here and what's all this b******* about different color I put in are you f****** stupid is what he said I looked behind me and I was shocked it was a guy but he looks like a girl!? What silver hair one blue eye and one purple eye he was beautiful if I didn't know he was a guy I might have actually liked him but I don't swing that hmmm so we do have one of those huh that's disappointing I would really hoping that we wouldn't be annoying b**** like you here but I guess I was wrong anyways what you guys introduce yourself what the- yes I think that's a smart idea hi my name is Ashley I'm a girl and my hobbies are drawing painting and acting (okay so just already too long and 100% sure nobody is going to read this but anyways yeah I don't know if I'm going to finish this or not it's basically supposed to be a killing game thing but I don't know if this is good or not?)
27 05,2021
about question
What’s something that if someone does or says or whatever to you you automatically start Hating them or get very mad at them for doing that EVEN if you known them for a very long time so basically what’s automatic turn off ( I don’t mean in a sexual way btw)
11 days
So I knew he liked reading like me but I never expected him to actually like BL/yaoi like kind of shocking and damn he into some smutty s*** but not like I can talk anyway should I tell him that I know about his account cuz I kind of want to talk about BL with him but I don't know maybe it's going to be awkward
26 05,2021
about question
Tbh kinda surprised there is no question/post about 4th of July BUT anyways happy late 4th of July too everyone! (=・ω・=) and what's some interesting stuff that happened to you guys this year?
17 hours