Bitch I'm up's question page 15 (376)

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about vent
So I just read your wish is my command make me bark and stronger than friends Jesus Christ how did I not die of secondhand embarrassment?!
10 07,2021
about question
Tbh I have had this thought for a long time but I low-key forget about it but I just now had my Period and i thought about it again and since we can question again I thought might as well ask
02 12,2023
about question
Oh my god yes I don't know ship Daniel X. crystal or the brownheaded guy with Daniel or J. and Daniel or I should ship the girl that likes his original form forgotten name I have so many ships but I don't know what want to choose *jay not J ╥﹏╥
20 05,2021
My mom fr over here calling me a slut a sinner a whore + more even though all the things is she did as well like I'm a sinner for lying even though she lies 24/7 I'm a slut/whore for touching myself and reading bl (no she does not read bl btw) like huh you literally had 6 husbands (not saying people who have had a lot of marriage are a slut or anything ) and trust me I seen you looking at things not really kid friendly
25 11,2023
Jake MC: two different colored eyes helpful what the hell is he talking about I had no idea what's going on first I need to calm down and analyze the situation ???: Well I got to go now you guys should introduce yourself while I'm gone I need to look after the other room- Crystal: W-wait other room are there more people like us?! ???: Oh no looks like I already said too much damn it the higher-ups are going to kill me now well whatever got to go Jake MC: interesting higher-ups another a room so are there other people like us trapped in a killing game or whatever could he be here no he would never he quit playing games right? Ashley: well I guess I should introduce myself hello my name is Ashley I'm 17 years old my hobbies are reading drawing and playing detective games it'd be very much appreciated it if you did not bother me unless it was absolutely necessary Crystal: u-umm hi M-my named Crystal and I'm 16 years old and my hobbies are painting and playing video games Jessica: well how do you do my name is Jessica and my hobbies are well I guess you can guess playing games and I love picking apples and do farm work with my family on my family farm I hope we can all be friends here and I don't know about this killing game thing but don't worry it'll work out and I'm 20 years old
27 05,2021
about question
Like generally it's just so fun to do especially when there are actual dumb asses that actually really like jinx out there
13 01,2024
So did he actually know secret or was he talking to his friend beside him cause you always want to the store to talk to his friend/are main character
19 05,2021
Like I don't understand why couldn't I just be aro/Ace like why am I just aromantic and not Ace as well because what's the point of me being able to feel sexual attraction BUT at the same time think sex is gross like I would fr rather fuck a pull on the side of the street than a actual human being and also what's the point of me being bisexual AND a low-key Horny mf if I can't stand you bitchis? why god WHY!
16 02,2024
Well I just eat cookie dough raw and not just a bite or something no I ate half a pack:-:
03 06,2021
about question
Me and my cousin was talking about scary movies and if we would survive and tbh any other scary movie besides scream no I definitely don't think I'm surviving in fact I would just try to kill myself as fast as possible so as not to die a horrible way bc of the killer BUT ghost face/scream nah I think I'd survive like let's be fr it's literally normal ass people in a costume like be fr

Anyway try the quiz to see if you survive

A secret quiz if you want to do more than one
23 days
I don't care what kinda stupid ass opinion you have or a shit take on something no one cares about or your mommy and daddy issues or life problems just say anything to save my dumb ass from this bl I'm reading and distract me RN PLEASE I'm literally begging rn
18 01,2024
Well I've tried drowning myself it was not comfortable so I was thinking what if I knocked myself out then drowned like in my bathtub?
16 07,2021
about question
about cosplay
Ok so I know I'm bisexual and aromatic (aka I CAN'T feel romantic attraction to males or females but I CAN feel sexual attraction to both female and male) but I don't know if I might be ace or not like I'm pretty sure I have felt sexual attraction and some times I'm ok with the thought of sex if I'm really horny but at the same time thinking about having sex when I'm in the right state of mind it makes me REALLY uncomfortable and tbh I think sex is kinda gross no matter if it's a guy or girl like 99% of the time I would rather not have sex but 1% of the time I'm ok with it? So basically I'm sometimes ok with having sex in theory but most of the I'm not in real life but at the same time I know being ace means you CAN'T feel sexual attraction but I can I'm pretty sure so idk but I did see someone say you can still be ace even if you can feel sexual attraction as long as you don't like and feel uncomfortable/gross about sex and you don't want to do it but idk if this is true or not? Oh i did kiss a girl before but it was really innocent and short and I was fine with it and I even liked the kiss but I can't imagine myself going any further than that no matter if it's a girl or guy so like what do you guys think? Could I be aro/ace or nah?
20 08,2024
Foodsexual like the f*** are you that one guy that gets off when seeing people eat in that one BL Dracosexual are you f****** stupid Heatsexual you mother f****** really going there fidgetsexual I just have nothing to say about you like the f*** maps/pedophilessexual go f*** yourself for real that s*** is literally illegal Mangasexual and one of the worst ones r@pe sexual are you f****** kidding me you b****** really want there I'm going to strangle you if you believe in this I'm going to f****** beat your ass firesexual like you like being burnt or something then just go look in the mirror because you already burned my eyes just with your attitude and personality and super straight I swear to God you're just just homophobic and a b**** and again I don't care if you think I'm being mean judgmental to go die or some s*** but you guys are just hurting the community and offending them so please f****** stop and if you actually do this then I absolutely despise you but for the people that don't thank you!
13 06,2021
about question
I'm going to be honest i don't know how to explain this I've tried to write this like 3 times already but it's either too detailed and to long or not detailed enough so it doesn't make sense but basically me and my aunt don't get along and i just now found out that she talked shit behind my back to my cousins and their parents when she went to florida For a bit to visit family and have fun at Disney with her daughter
But not only that I'm 99% sure she stole my money before I mean it was only a 100 dollars but it still was my money and she always acts different around me than when she is in front of my parents when she is around my parents she acts all nice and sweet but when she isn't around them and she's with me she does a complete 180 giving me attitude and trying to control what i do and say like she literally told me to shut the fuck up when I was in the car with her today even tho I wasn't even really talking and ironic enough she also said that I should learn more manners and be more lady like bc people might talk shit about me even tho the only I talking shit is her anyway there's more but let me get to the main point I finally had enough with her Bull shit so I told my parents And my parents also having enough of her bull shit decided to have a serious talk with her tomorrow to get her shit together and realize that just because her own daughter won't listen to her and just bc she can't control her don't mean she can try to control me just bc she knows I'll listen bc I was Brought up to respect my elders but i don't know if that was a good thing to do because i don't want things to get awkward between us because i literally have to see her almost every day i'm also worried about things getting weird with my grandmother because she's literally like a mother to me and i don't want her to be mad at me bc even if we have a good relationship at the end of the day my aunt is still her daughter
11 days
about question
I know I'm not the only one who screen shots pretty people on tiktok and use it as a meme sometimes right?
14 02,2024