meow's answer page 3 (70)

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about question
I really don't get why people are so hateful towards LGBTQ+ people. I live in a pretty conservative area so I meet a lot of homophobic people and generally I've noticed that they tend to either: - lack empathy for other people - be super religious, think being LGBTQ+ is a sin, and want to push their religion onto other people - be an edgelord and......   reply
01 06,2021
meow 02 06,2021
When I was really young I would chew on my hair or shirt collar. Some that I still have: - bouncing my leg - brushing my hair with my fingers (especially when I’m anxious) - rubbing the side of my index or middle finger with my thumb (especially when my anxiety is really high) - talking to myself out loud   reply
02 06,2021
about question
Younger. It’s kinda hurtful when people think I’m way older than I actually am but I hate getting IDed & the way some cashiers & all have talked down to me when they think I’m a teen can be patronizing as fuck :v   reply
06 06,2021
meow 12 06,2021
Your example wouldn't really work for a lot of super conservative people I've been around. At least in my experience, they either say to dress in a "respectful" way to yourself (as in they think that dressing provocatively is inherently demeaning/disrespectful to yourself) or to dress for God not men. Also, I've personally never met a conservative......   reply
12 06,2021
Mostly my cat. Also I guess the hope that things are going to get better & that it’s not too late to get my shit together.   reply
06 06,2021
Isolating. I can barely leave my house anymore & when I do, it has to be a short trip + I have to go out with someone else in my family or my anxiety gets too high for me to handle it. I also can barely talk to anyone who doesn't live with me, even talking to a cashier when I'm checking out at a store stresses me the fuck out. I have a therapy ap......   reply
09 06,2021
Mine mostly works for the most part, has a bunch of small scratches on it + one of the speakers is busted (audio still sounds decent tho so it isn't a huge deal). I'm so clumsy I'm amazed mine isn't in worse shape tbh lol   reply
27 06,2021
about question
That’s awful, I’m not shocked I guess but really disappointed that they didn’t do anything about the page :/ I didn’t know Instagram had a pro-Ana community, I knew tumblr did back in the day but idk I guess I just kinda hoped it wasn’t really a thing anymore.   reply
04 06,2021
I wasn’t that social to begin with but yea I’m definitely way less now. I have pretty bad social anxiety and some other issues that I haven’t been able to get help for so they’ve slowly been getting worse and worse and it’s really hard to interact with anyone not in my house at all now. Hoping to get into a therapist so I can work on it......   reply
31 05,2021
1. It's really up for debate? I guess I'd pick Ed Gein not really because his crimes were the worst but b/c of the influence he's had on popular culture. 2 & 3. Definitely, sorry that I can't give specific examples of any but the only one coming to my head rn is Scientology if that counts as a criminal cult...? I live in the United States if tha......   1 reply
14 06,2021
I busted my head open when I was 2. My grandpa had me on the hood of his car watching planes take off and I slipped off & had to get stitches in my forehead. I have a lot more stories like this (like when I busted the back of my head open a few years later), I'm really clumsy and accident prone so I get injured in a lot of dumb ways >_>   1 reply
19 06,2021
about question
Arachnophobia and agoraphobia are my two most severe ones. I also have automatonophobia (specifically with animatronics and life-like figures) but I don't consider it as severe since I rarely go anywhere with those anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯   reply
10 06,2021
about question
- I'm female, she/her pronouns, and asexual (specifically aegosexual) - My favorite stories are therapy game & therapy game restart - My favorite color is purple & I like drawing and playing video games - Last time I cried was probably last December or in January? idr when exactly. - My day's been okay, not great but not horrible either so I can't......   reply
26 05,2021
about question
I think I changed it about a week ago now? It's from Therapy Game, I actually cropped it from a pic that was posted on the artist's twitter of some merch that's for sale in Japan right now lol   reply
08 06,2021
meow 27 05,2021
oof   reply
27 05,2021
about question
“Don’t you have friends you could be bugging right now?” Like they say it jokingly but it’s like no I don’t? Thanks for bringing it up lol. It’s really hurtful when my parents do it bc they know I don’t. I don’t think they do it maliciously they just say it without thinking :v   1 reply
02 06,2021
about question
Idk I'm pretty ok with them for the most part, I can't handle being around a lot of them though b/c they're usually really loud & I'm highly sensitive to loud noises (it causes me physical pain + is one of my main triggers for panic attacks). I don't even spend time with my half-nieces, love them but they're the loudest kids I've ever met so I can'......   reply
15 06,2021
about crying
I was bullied some by guys in my middle school. I was pretty chubby & not conventionally attractive so they’d dare their friends to come up to me and force me to hold hands with them while their buddies followed behind us and laughed. Also made a bunch of jokes about how x friend liked me and how gross it’d be to date me basically? Explaining......   1 reply
26 05,2021
I'm usually pretty good at remembering it unless the names are kinda similar, like if their names start with the same letter. If it gets to that point tho I usually just drop the series b/c it annoys me not knowing who anyone is.   reply
12 06,2021
the art style in this picrew is so pretty @_@   reply
03 06,2021