punkycheeks's answer (14)

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The more you learn, the more you realize that you didn't really know anything at all.   1 reply
22 08,2020
My brain doesn't work like other people's brains....I have synesthesia....it's a disorder where I hear colors....Because I am hardwired 'creatively', I have complex syfi, fantasy, world saving dreams....But my strangest dream was in 2016....This was my social media post from that night........ September 14, 2016 · Last night, I had a dream...........   1 reply
29 07,2020
I respect people who decide not to have children because they think it will cramp their lifestyle.....But having kids really helps you grow as you raise them....If you think you will be a great parent.....You probably shouldn't have any babies....If you are concerned about messing up your kids, or are afraid of the huge responsibility that parenth......   3 reply
24 11,2018
"Now, more than EVER...." Blah! They've been spouting that phrase since My childhood.....and I'm 43.   reply
27 11,2020
about question
Learn to be comfortable with yourself, despite being odd. Growing up in the 80s meant there was no room for being odd. Find contentment where you're at, and know that no matter how hard it seems now, it's only temporary. Don't take the good times for granted either, because you know it's only temporary. All of those things can be summed up ......   1 reply
18 12,2024
punkycheeks 06 09,2023
Religion is being religious....I've noticed that people throw the word around to mean "do you believe in a higher power?". If that's the question, then yes. I believe in God. Rather than religion, I believe God wants a relationship. I am not Catholic. I don't believe I have to confess my sins to a human to be absolved. I don't even go to c......   reply
06 09,2023
When I was at Mc Donalds I asked for "2 large Diet Cokes, 1 with extra ice". I got to the window and they handed me the 2 drinks. I asked them which one has extra ice....They responded, "Ummmm? The heavier one?" Physics. Says. NO.   reply
07 08,2020
I don't swear. "Dog Vomit" or "For Frying out Crow!!" for me has the proper consonant and anger sound, without dropping the more commonly summoned words. I don't understand swearing in everyday conversations. It seems unimaginative, and lazy to me. Maybe because I am a genXer?...   1 reply
06 10,2020
I still like the satin binding that surrounds baby blankets. The softness helps me relax when I am ready for bed....The only problem is, I am 43. I don't feel too bad though, because my husband collects Transformers....Which he calls an investment. So I guess I am "investing" in my sleep.   reply
14 08,2020
punkycheeks 31 07,2020
These are from my collection called "Freakishly Adorable".....Enjoy   1 reply
31 07,2020
【#4010141http://pic1.mangago.me/r/essay/6f/co_/175472_4010141.jpg Well....I'm not one to put too much stock in online tests...But my mental age is 35....and I am 43. I can't tell if that's a good thing or not....Do I think like a younger person because I live freely....? Or am I just plain immature? Will knowing this make me alter anything in ......   reply
28 07,2020
My biggest fear used to be spiders...I have actually been hospitalized for a spider bite infection....(That was scary!).... But as I age, the biggest fear I have is seeping slowly into insanity and not realizing it. Like, everyone else around me is thinking I am nutty, but they placate me with patronizing speech, but I am too 'crazy' to notice...........   reply
29 07,2020
about question
I would like to go back to right after I got married. I didn't appreciate how well my joints worked, and to tell myself that things will be tough, but you will get to be what you've dreamed of being.... A Mama. Despite all of the turmoil, the bankruptcy, multiple hip surgeries, losing my vision, my youngest having kidney surgery at 5 years old.......   1 reply
31 10,2024