Keyomi's answer (3)

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18, female, straight, college student, USA I don't really remember exactly how I started reading yaoi, but it's been a few years.   reply
31 01,2017
Uke without a doubt. I find the thought of being dominated extremely appealing. Pin my hands down, tie me up. I'm here for it all.   1 reply
15 05,2018
Sooooo where to begin 1. I'm not currently , nor have I ever dated anyone. I've been approached, but not by the people I'd like to be approached by and I'm waaaaay to scared to put myself out on a limb and ask someone I like out. 2. I'm a romantic. I have an ideal situation in my head, and I feel like the moment would have to be right. I'd want ......   reply
15 05,2018