Duggie's answer (7)

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about sad times
You were never in the wrong, and unfriending her was probably the best choice for you. Honestly for her to cuss at you all bc you brought up the topic of her acting lil dependent on you was way too far, plus stop writing that apology letter cuz she doesn't even deserve it, and there's nothing for you to understand in her position, since you LITERAL......   1 reply
26 03,2024
27 06,2021
boom shawtys (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ have a nice day btw   2 reply
27 06,2021
about eat food
I wanna go to japan or Korea for the windows :D For the us I would probably like to live in California or Chicago as long as there's windows, the pretty kinds. So then I can put a bath tub in the room and use it as my bed (•‿•) and put shelfs with mangas. I also like to live in the Manhwa world with windows. Windows are drawn very beautiful.......   reply
19 05,2021
I like my mom, um she tends to really care about us. Plus I understand where's she coming from since she has been pretty much abused as a kid by my grandfather. I love mainly because she not afraid to tell what happened to her and how she was manipulated by both grandparents. The thing I don't like about her is how she keeps talking about my postur......   reply
22 06,2021
Escribe una reflexión sobre este pensamiento: Cuando me esfuerzo por hacer las cosas que no me importan se llama ESTRÉS, cuando me esfuerzo por hacer cosas que sí me importan se llama PASIÓN. Not me trying to translate Spanish my homework- tehe.   reply
14 01,2021
I did it ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)   reply
09 05,2021
about question
Probably none of them except January 2024... Cuz y'all I would NOT like to live/miss any era where I was ugly.. Case close!!!   reply
03 04,2024