MayoMuncher's answer (8)

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05 04,2021
The bright white glow sticks-   reply
05 04,2021
I'm in middle school 8th grade, the whole school know about my addiction to anime, some peeps even like it to, so nothing to be ashamed of ( side story: my sister hated anime but like 2 weeks ago she started getting into it, now she loves it. ) so be open about who you are, people who hate on you for likening it fuck em' they try to fight you? be p......   reply
28 02,2021
Started at 8.   1 reply
19 01,2021
19 01,2021
It smells like 1 y/o can of tuna, and bounce da ass x100   reply
19 01,2021
19 01,2021
Well say you cant get your hands on some acid. Best way to get rid of the body and get away with murder, Depending on the who the person is if its a friend or sibling or parent, is buy a butcher knife, Some giant meat ( The meat is for your some what aliby, You brought the knife for big dinner ) Cut the body up into small peices. Put them in trash ......   reply
19 01,2021
28 02,2021
My " M o m " Is cheating on my " D a d " and its obvious that shes cheating but his dumb ass is clueless * L O N G - S I G H *   reply
28 02,2021
19 01,2021
I use to be in therapy and I stopped cause my therapist left me, tbh she didn't really help me much, I still have the same unmetallic unstableness as I did when I started, And two New Trait, Trust issues, and abandonment Issues, So If you wanna go get some therapy gain some new traits go head, you boo   reply
19 01,2021