matchestick's answer (6)

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I belong in the group where I do hate stories that romanticize rape, I still wait for the update This is why I'm starting to prefer bittersweet and fluffy shounen ai tags.   reply
06 10,2020
hahahahaha are you alright? why use soap , just buy a dildo already hahahah   2 reply
20 03,2020
Currently, Im preparing for my Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam in May and all my plans have been thoroughly destroyed by the Quarantine and stuff. Tho Im glad Im still healthy ( so far) . I love my course but Im just doubting my capability to be successful considering my level of competency. I love manga, light novels, anime, kdrama, k......   2 reply
20 03,2020
Here in the Philippines, the in demand items are alcohol and face masks. Both are always out of stock because of selfish people hoarding the items and reselling it in a much higher price. The face mask tho are in demand ever since the second half in January due to a Volcanic eruption kilometers away from the capital. I do know due to the on going......   reply
23 03,2020
Hi Im 22 from the Philippines. I wanna be friends with you too especially with our unique taste, its hard to have friends who likes yaoi. Out of all my friends, I only have one fujoshi friend in real life. Sadly I dont use discord.. I just use Fb messenger :(   4 reply
20 03,2020
I hate it when people ask why I don't have a boyfriends for a long time it my obligation to get one? and what if I just don't have anyone Im interested to date with rn? They say that you are pretty, why do you not have a boyfriend ? come on, I like taking care of myself FOR myself not for men. I also hate it when they fat shame me becaus......   1 reply
21 03,2020