Chaos88's answer (6)

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Your post feels very relatable to me, I feel almost exactly the same!!!! I feel like love is a weakness and I am terrified of being seen as weak, I never even cried in front of someone, because I just can't bear the thought of someone seeing my vulnerable side. Also, I find most people terribly boring and I lose interest very fast and end up ghosti......   reply
24 04,2021
Hi! I am Emese and I am 18 years old and I am a girl. I am from Hungary :) I watch a lot of youtube and I love watching films and series and of course reading yaoi :D I love love to read books I have a mini linrary at home :3 I like listening to music ( Kpop,Khiphop,Rap,Trap etc...) English is my 3rd language   reply
14 06,2017
I am fom Hungary :)   1 reply
21 08,2017   reply
30 12,2020
I love Killing Staling too :3 we can be friends if you want to. I am looking for new friends too :)   reply
22 06,2017
oh lord, he is hawt   reply
28 12,2020