Lucifersmom's answer (17)

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ROYAL SERVANT! I want a live action rather than anime. Ah! I can imagine it :D   1 reply
19 10,2017
24 years old female, biracial, multilingual, fulltime medical student and part-time artist living in the Middle East.   reply
23 09,2017
No matter how many advices you get, you won't understand or follow it until you experience it. You are going to fall in love, get your heart broken or you might not even experience love at all but you might screw up something else like education, fight with family, lose friends, befriend strangers easily, try new things, get scared, lost, lonely bu......   reply
10 10,2017
24 virgin who is really stressed and almost burnt out med student. Sometimes, I feel like, 'I should just get laid' and then I think I waited this long might as well do it with someone I love or at least like. Guess I will be waiting for some more time.   reply
14 11,2017
about penpals
I am 25 but I am far away but I guess since we share lots of similar interests, we could still be friends. You should start a group on Line app. Add me on it, my ID is redberries999   2 reply
15 09,2018
No bra, holy shit the first day of my life since puberty hit me. And they I will bring my inner succubus to life as I will go have sex without worrying that I will become pregnant.   1 reply
15 04,2017
My first Yaoi was very smutty ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ First I raised my eyebrows (i think they touched my hairline), then quickly looked around to make sure no one noticed me blushing and got back to it to finish it. Decided then and there smutty yaoi, anything to do with yaoi is going to become a part of my life just like being a gigantic fangirl of kp......   2 reply
23 09,2017
To be controlled by animal/baser instincts would be far more preferable than playing the roles of society and missing the love of my life or god forbid my soul-mate but Omega-Verse also has the negative side to it where the weaker aka Omegas are treated with disrespect while the Alphas are treated with respect and fear; this is something I despise ......   reply
15 04,2017
Female, Half-Arab and Half-Asian, Internationalist, I love to read dark, psychological mangas but when in the mood I am all for fluffy and happy ones.   1 reply
15 04,2017
about penpals
redberries999   reply
22 04,2018
Google definition: 'a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable.' For me, a crush is someone you adore because they have certain characteristics, like fangirling on a celebrity. Can only watch from far. I have had a lot of crushes and they come and go. I am a female yet once I had a major crush on a female professo......   reply
03 10,2017
The executive (ESTJ-A )   reply
21 10,2017
The silence. No one bothering or asking for your attention, no inner voice whispering doubts, or wondering if I should check on him, should react or act in a certain way. It is peaceful. I have always been very headstrong in my relationships, nobody could boss me around but I really have huge commitment issues so I am happy now I am not hurting so......   1 reply
14 11,2017
I am a people watcher! I would sit some where in a cafe and just observe people as I take a break from studying. Girl watching; I live in a very rich area, so all the girls have their contours done, eye brows drawn, highlights flashing with huge fake lashes, and now and then I see some with fake lips...most of them look like the Arab Kardashians.......   reply
14 11,2017
about penpals
Add me too, if you guys are still adding people. redberries999   reply
26 11,2017