For the curious or just for fun, here's a link for the meaning of dreams, just click the letter (ex. M for mirror), find the key word (ex. mirror) and search what you've dreamed about (ex. reflection in the mirror):
Anyways, I mostly don't remember my dreams to such great detail... reply
No. Writing a fanfic about people I know makes me really uncomfortable. Even thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. I think it's disrespectful and creepy to push your ideas onto someone and embody it by writing it down. They are real people, with minds and wills of their own. Honestly, I'd feel creeped out and highly uncomfortable if someone too...... reply
Make a schedule and try to follow it. Probably would be good to add rewards system to it to keep you motivated. But don't forget to take breaks occasionally too, don't burn yourself out. Good luck and hope you get into art school! 1 reply
Yes, no, maybe, I don't know. Can you repeat the question〜 *cough* Anyways...
1. No.
2. No. I might've convinced my brothers to hand me over some food tho.
3. Yes.
4. Yes, when I binge read.
5. No.
6. Yes.
7. No.
8. No.
9. No.
10. Yes.
11. Yes.
12. Yes, slippers.
13. Yes. reply