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about have sex
OK. Is he Jesus Coded?
Cut the yaoi and get back to God.
04 01,2025
Would they, like… shove a tampon up their ass? Or would they prefer pads? Menstrual cups? Does the pink tax apply to secondary genders? Does heat coincide with irl ovulation? If they don’t menstruate are they even part of the Homo genus? They’re gay it’d make sense for them to be homos right
guys I’m 2400 mg of Ibuprofen and 1950mg of Tylenol into today’s cramps I took my last dose TWO HOURS AGO WHY ISNT IW WORKING
14 09,2024
about question
Yeah I’m asking for your sensitive medical information. What’re you gonna do, fight me? You’d really fight a frail little sick girl huh?

What’s your favorite medicine you have to take? I like my adderall bc sometimes it comes in this cute hot pink capsule and it makes me feel less miserable.
Also remember to take ur meds and drink water
14 11,2024
about question
Hand over your pet pics NOW or someone’s gonna get hurt! I’m not afraid to shoot!
Or, uh, if you don’t have a pet, a picture of a friend or relative’s pet works too :)
20 10,2024
I’m entering my joker arc I can literally feel myself animorphing into a blackpilled redditor incel, I now understand why people cyberbully children
because WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?? They called me a PEDOPHILE out of nowhere and then when I asked them why they nEVER RESPONDED. And then they said somethin else that I didn’t understand and I realized that they blocked me
I had already forgiven you like months ago BUT I TAKE IT BACK FUCK YOU. You know who you are. I’m not gonna name drop you bc I feel like you’d just say something else incoherent (and I don’t want to be unnecessarily vile), but yk who you are
Just don’t go around calling random people serious shit when they say something in no way related to the accusation you’re making, and then run away when they try to confront you back!!! I’m gonna have a brain aneurysm!
I mean obviously you’re not gonna unblock me now after this rant, but that’s pretty fair u go qween live your best life lol
Also I have no clue how blocking works will they even see this?
Ok I’m done ranting now I feel better
02 11,2024
I’m SO bad at expressing myself. I’m also terrible at like… well, my dad called it “empathizing”. I thought I knew what that was, but now I’m kinda confused. People always seem kinda disappointed when I try to acknowledge their heavy feelings. I’m so bad actually that my family has started politely encouraging me to stay home from funerals

But frrrr I never know how to act to show them I understand they feel bad?? I also have a bad habit of smiling in any tense situation, which isn’t very good when I’m getting punished…

My sister’s started thinking I’m a sociopath atp and I dunno what to do about it. I feel like this is a dumb and broad question, and this is the worst place to ask it, but how do you express “empathy” instead of “sympathy”? Because I keep doing things and people keep getting concerned and I don’t want them to be ;^^
20 11,2024
about question
I might’ve maybe accidentally almost moaned when she put her fingers in but that’s unrelated
The physical therapy the doctor mentioned after is also mostly internal, like huh? It hurt when you put two fingers in so you want me to put more things in?? You want me to go to physical therapy so they can put a VIBRATING WAND INSIDE MY VAJAJAY?? I didn’t know government insurance covered lesbian escort services these days!!!
Fuck this man it’s been a day and my hip still hurts. I feel like I got stabbed in the ovary
27 11,2024
about being gay
An image of the extensive list of lovely options is in my (silent_wisp) comment, and here’s the original source if you want further information
03 12,2024
I read Venus in Furs, and I thought it was cool, but I don’t have anyone to talk about it with even though the book is free online through the Gutenberg project :(
It’s a story written by a malesub with a long list of fetishes talking about his mock marriage with a woman who he REALLY wants to beat him into a pulp
And did I mention it was written in the 1800s??? And it’s a true story??
The first part of the novella is basically just the main character going “yess keep talking about your radical ideologies queen. Btw, you should like, step on me?? PLEASE??”
This is a piece of history!!!! Please share it with me…
18 09,2024
1: harass them. Persistence is key! Make alts if you have to
2: threaten to kill them
3: ???
4: make out in the park

Idk how that worked honestly
05 12,2024
Let’s just hope he isn’t a total baka and doesn’t report me to the FBI or cops or something next week! ( ╥﹏╥) going to the psych ward is *so* not sugoi!! Prison time sounds even worse! I bet they don’t even have anime or manga there. How am I supposed to keep up with my spicy bls in prison!? Oh, my doki doki is going so fast just thinking about it…~ I can’t help it if I wannya vivisect people or play with their insides sometimes!!! I’m just quirky like that, ya know?? ♡(ミ ᵕ ﻌ ᵕ ミ)ノ Sigh… I wish society understood me.
And why isn’t mangago letting me add images now?!! I wanted to show you guys stuff,,, *pouts cutely*
15 08,2024
about question
I want someone else to read this article so we can be depressed together
Also Mitski wrote it

If you don’t know who Mitski is, it’s this chick. Also if you needed a music recommendation… I’ve been to two of her concerts so far
17 11,2024
about question
Just woke up from a nap I can’t remember what day of the week it is, a guest I dunno is downstairs, and my dad woke me up by yelling at me through gritted teeth in his black accent, which is how you know he’s EXTRA mad ‘cause he’s only a quarter black
I woke up halfway and didn’t want to piss him off by asking him what i was supposed to do so I said, eloquently,
“mm yesh I, y-yeh, mm I will do tat, I sowwy, papaaa… gotsta gettup..! ee yesh…”

My guess is that I was talking in my sleep the first time he told me what I was supposed to do bc I didn’t even know he was home any guesses? I’m taking refuge in the bathroom but I’m pretty sure he’s three minutes away from beating my ass
03 10,2024
about question
People really were complaining about trauma dumps and picrews but the moment that stopped we got r*pe threats and divisive politics. GIVE ME MY SHITPOSTS BACK I MISS U
well I won’t actually doxx you I don’t really know how to do that, but please pretend like the threat is real tysm
11 11,2024
about question
Yes this is shameless plagiarism, but I’m curious now
19 11,2024
Yeah so I’ve been coughin. Should I go to the doctor or no?
I literally don’t feel sick not even a scratchy throat but I’ve been hacking non-stop for like… a month i think (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

I don’t wanna ask someone to drive me all the way into town when I literally feel fine
09 11,2024
But like… I’m actually not good enough just imagine, for a moment…
5’10, blond, adorable, universally agreed to be attractive, head in the clouds, sweet, always excited to see you, aspiring missionary pilot, helps in childcare at church for fun, sociable but not overbearing, shy bean, farmer’s boy.

HOW. How could someone be more perfect and pure, please send help I feel my soul is too tainted for this angel, I’m so cooked
14 09,2024
30 09,2024
Guess who has two thumbs and just got jumpscared by explicit sh pics!!! I wasn’t expecting to see that today gee whiz :’)
Anyways anybody have anything interesting to distract me? I’m desperate haha
30 09,2024
about question
Or nightmares idk. Apparently you’re not supposed to be able to, but I think that’s bs.
13 11,2024
about question
There’s a longer version, but here’s the shortened one.
It’ll give you a percentage and a character that’s supposedly the representation of how kinky you are.
Asking other ppl to take it because my result was honestly insulting
22 07,2024