kya's answer page 4 (345)

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kya 23 05,2021
why woman not gay, have you seen woman before?   reply
23 05,2021
As odd as it is, not every woman is a feminist. Also nowadays feminists aren't only women and they do not fight solely for women rights. And there's a lot of feminine names missing. So lemme help with some feminist names with a quick Google search: Hélène Cixous Novelist, literary critic and poet Cixous is famous for her analyses of the unco......   reply
11 05,2021
kya 08 01,2021
Yes. How many times it need to be said that romantic feelings are not the same as sexual attraction? If you kiss and/or hook up with a stranger, doesn't mean your in love with them. Same goes for a person you know. Also passion is different than love. Actually, there are seven types of love but I'm gonna explain them all here. I'm gonna say that ......   1 reply
08 01,2021
kya 20 02,2021
How you hoes stop sending death threats to each other like dick confetti?   2 reply
20 02,2021
There could be a ghost sitting on your face right now and you'd have no idea.   reply
21 02,2021
People only interact with the toxic part of the fandom and they they saw it all. And that is because the actual unproblematic people won't interact with outsiders in the first. Most of chill people are barely active on the internet for that matter. This is like saying every man beat his wife and every woman wants her husband's credit card just beca......   reply
27 05,2021
about question
I'd probably have called the cops on them before that. But if we were already in a relationship, they'd be that possessive partner who doesn't let you have any friends or have any moment of privacy and when you complain about that they throw their own pity party saying they're just doing that because they love you. Hell no that I want that shit for......   reply
22 02,2021
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kya 30 05,2021
You should be embarrassed because it's a fucking weird shit to ask your friends in the first place. As their friend, you shouldn't be so invested in their love lives to the point of obsessing over your desire of them being together. It's creepy. They're not into each other but you want to keep pretending they are. It's nothing to be proud of. You g......   1 reply
30 05,2021
kya 20 05,2021
That capitalism and global warming kill us all and it's too late. Oh, and having no one to love me or even remember after I die.   reply
20 05,2021
about question
If you can't help yourself, just stop reading BL all together. You know that's the only solution. Don't try to make up excuses and lie to yourself by saying you can stop doing shipping people and keep reading BL because you know you can't. Until you learn how to respect real people and their sexualities you should stay as far as possible from BL.   reply
27 02,2021
kya 18 02,2021
Ariana, that blackfishing ain't a cute look.   3 reply
18 02,2021
If my major is worth anything is so that I can say: Yes, of course it can. On incognito mode as well. But I don't think companies really care that you read illegal manga in a random website. Scammers, hackers and people that are on FBI watchlist are more important than you. Also, unless one of your family members knows about DNS and has access to y......   reply
02 02,2021
Not quite that east asian looking but close enough on the rest.   reply
13 01,2021
Though nowadays I hate how the male gaze has objectified this woman, I had a crush on Megan Fox. I know she's standard pretty woman but to this day I can't deny she's hot.   2 reply
28 04,2021
kya 11 05,2021
My doggo. Her name is Isabela, she's 9 months old and likes eating banana^^   3 reply
11 05,2021
I can definitively tell you're way too young to be reading things like Love is an Illusion, BJ Alex and On and Off. First of all, it's just an exaggeration. Your butt is closer to your back than your front so there's no way it can form a bulge in your stomach. If that actually happened you should be sent to the hospital with internal hemorrhage and......   3 reply
10 02,2021
kya 23 01,2021
I'd be worried if they're actually aware that a baby being born is more important than pleasuring themselves.   reply
23 01,2021
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More like monosexuals hate polysexuals with a passion. The idea that bi/pans aren't straight/gay enough is so absurd but yet so prevalent. IT'S A FUCKING SPECTRUM FOR FUCK'S SAKE. From 0 to 100, you can be either straight or gay or somewhere in between. AND you can also feel no attraction at all. There's nothing black or white. Gay or straight. Th......   1 reply
26 05,2021
I like writing my essays for the one or two people who are actually gonna read it but I don't even bother going to the sharing page when it's filled with random picrews, overhyped questions, an edgy troll here and some other singing about cum over there. I may be one of a very few but I prefer questions that creates big debates and has everyone wit......   1 reply
17 02,2021
about question
Bitch, I haven't drawn anything in the past two years but here's some of my old art ;-; also I suck at digital so there's only traditional sketches because colouring takes too long   reply
26 04,2021