ビシー's answer (19)

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Yes send me to horny jail   1 reply
12 01,2021
well I love Eren and his... yeah I'd let him mess me up tbh   3 reply
12 01,2021
Horrible thanks   reply
13 06,2021
Lezhin is fucking expensive so shutting this place down wouldnt help them get much more money imo. Also why would the whole site need to go? It has much more than just their comics   reply
27 04,2021
No. I don’t sexualise 3D ppl like that. I always stick to fantasy, which I love.   reply
05 03,2021
about question
respect, good communication and consent   reply
20 06,2021
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I was fine with it until they took down banana scandal....   reply
17 07,2021
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Listening to calming music or a sleep meditation helps me   reply
04 05,2021
Caute! I'm from Slovakia :)   2 reply
06 04,2021
about question
Killing Stalking. The storytelling was great, but it gave me mild trauma tbh.   2 reply
23 02,2021
not really tbh I find it hot. As long as theyre both enjoying it, nothing wrong with it   reply
15 02,2021
Silence in a conversation   reply
25 04,2021
Im staying for the art and a possible happy ending.   reply
20 05,2021
yes you should, dont worry about it being "mainstream". There aren't many cringey scenes like the one you mentioned in your question.   reply
02 01,2021
Blindfold, being tied up   reply
12 04,2021
two versions   reply
01 05,2021
I do not judge them at all. Everyone has reasons for doing and wanting things. We never fully see what has happened in a person's life that has made them get to this point, so who are we to judge. If anything, I'd try to understand them more.   reply
01 02,2021
I doubt anyone here is from the same country as me tbh since it's quite a small one in Europe. I'm imagining most of the ppl here are from the US   1 reply
25 12,2020