Sleepdepraved's question (15)

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Who is ur anime, manga & etc gf or bf
19 04,2021
what "type" would you be if you were to reincarnated in the world of 340 days or unmelting words which is the sequel
Also which one did you like better unmelting words or 340 days, me personally I liked 340 days better but that's just me
09 06,2021
21 06,2021
what kind of person is your mom ?

I'm just curious cause my mom is like brutally honest, kind and beautiful outside and inside and I love her
21 06,2021
about question
okay so the thing is that I've been searching for a movie for a while now but I forgot the name

Genre : fantasy, historical and i think romance too but not sure

It talks about a girl that lost her father and that now has to go live in the country side with her oncle because all her dad left her was a book as an inheritance so she basically she lost her mansion and all her money anyways later on she finds out that the contents of book are super important and it all as something to do with her oncle .

That's about all I can remember about the movie so if anyone has any ideas on what the movies name than please do tell and thank you for your help hope you have a great day everyone and remember you are loved piece out
02 06,2021
about question
okay so personally I don't mind harems however they have to be done right and most of the time they are not so what are your thoughts on harems whether it be normal or a reversed one
09 06,2021
Okay for starters i do not think killua is a loser nor do i think that zoro is ugly like i would've to be dumb to think that, i love both of them but i needed your attention sorry .

Sooo I just came out with the first chapter of a book I have been working on it called "the all seeing eyes"

Here is the link :

Genre : supernatural, mystery

Summary :

What would you do if you found a boy covered in bruises on you're doorstep?
Would you ask him if he's okay?
Or would you ask him where his parents are?
Or maybe even call you're neighbor?
Well I did none of these and i'm damn glad I didn't.

Abigail was you're normal office worker with a bit of a temper but that all changed when she found a boy on her doorstep.

So if you're interested check it out.

Again sorry if any of you are still offended by the statement I made earlier i did not mean it .
03 07,2021
because I found this super cute picrew right and the thing I don't know how to make a link to that said picrew so please help me out
28 05,2021
okay it doesn't have to be a tiktok video just something funny because I'm bored
31 05,2021
okay it doesn't have to be a meme just something funny because I'm bored

Edit : just found out u can't put videos on here oops
31 05,2021
okay it doesn't have to be a tiktok video just something funny because I'm bored

Edit : just found out u can't put videos on here oops
31 05,2021