val's answer (16)

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i can draw! which is pretty common, but it is something i'm proud of doing! this is a fanart i did of haru i made a few months back, it's something i made for someone as a gift but i liked how it turned out ^_^ the "naomi" is the watermark is my actual name (though i do prefer being called valentine because i don't like strangers calling me by my n......   2 reply
19 12,2020
val 18 12,2020
i was reading replies about this situation to understand more about what you mean and why you would EVER need pedophilia, a YAOI one at that which is so disgusting (because pedophilia in yaoi, in my opinion, is so fetishized), manga lists for your exam. 1. nothing from this site will ever help you for your exam. mangas/manhwas/webcomics are fictio......   4 reply
18 12,2020
a pretty old wip that i never really finished, but i was proud of how it turned out and i might finish it when i have time. i was experimenting on styles and thought this was cute enough to share! ^_^   1 reply
19 12,2020
i am so sorry if i sound rude, but isn't that.. how being a person works? like isn't that normal? people changing? unless i'm completely missing a super important puzzle piece that i'm not getting or something, then i don't think this is such a big deal? i thought everyone does this (´O`)   reply
19 12,2020
val 19 12,2020
i am attracted to men or transmasc people, i don't really care about genitalia!   reply
19 12,2020
wait, love, i don't think comparing a fantasy/sci-fi gorey anime to an anime about child porn/pedophilia is that fair. i don't have the guts to watch anything gorey but even i can say that this isn't a fair comparison! :(   reply
19 12,2020
thank you for sharing. and i'm really proud of you for not repressing your feelings! good job! i know it might have been difficult to let all this out, or maybe it's not, but nonetheless, i'm really glad you can rant your feelings and let it all go instead of bottling it up inside. you are very brave and i applaud you for that! i am not going to sa......   1 reply
19 12,2020
this is a fun (actually, not so fun) fact i learned recently. it's quite sad! tw / animal death . . . . . . . . . . . . . i found out dogs and cats tend to run away or hide from their owners when they're about to pass away :( they want to be alone when they die because they don't want us to see them pass. was that too sad? i'll tell you a happie......   1 reply
19 12,2020
val 19 12,2020
i'm very sorry that happened to you. i cannot believe she would say something so horrible to you. i wish i could help more, but for now all i can do is give you the support you need and wish you the best. you are not annoying or slow. you are none of those horrible, terrible name your mother tells you. things will get better over time. i hope you ......   reply
19 12,2020
val 19 12,2020
hi, sweetheart! so, for me personally, i use a A4 Lyra Sketchbook, and it's working fine for me! the paper works with my supplies and it holds up pretty well after i neglected it for a long time ^^;; i think the only negative impression i have with the A4 Lyra Sketchbook is how easy the paper at the edges kinda, how do i say it, soften? limps? not......   1 reply
19 12,2020
baby (´꒳`*) haha, but in all seriousness, i think i'd describe myself as "complicated"!   reply
19 12,2020
answering your question about the picrew thing! in my opinion as an artist, if you're only using them for reference with character design? then yes! for posture and/or anatomy, then no! picrew focuses on customization, which means it focuses more on the face (more specifically, on the expressions and shapes, and that is if it has various options).......   reply
19 12,2020
val 19 12,2020
oh, no! that is completely normal! you're not stupid, love, just a bit confused and that's okay! and i don't blame you either, feelings are complicated! i know it sounds vague and silly and clichéd, but you'll know the difference when you feel it! (*´︶`*)   reply
19 12,2020
i'm not religious and am agnostic so i don't think i have a say about this, but as a gay person, i think my two cents can talk just a wee bit. i'm not christian at all, but i've seen countless of christians that say the sentence "a man shall not lie with a man" was originally "a man shall not lie with a boy" which promoted anti pedophilia, and was......   reply
19 12,2020
the people who agree... are you guys okay /lh /j   1 reply
19 12,2020
val 19 12,2020
1) first love can be whatever it is to you, angel! your first crush doesn't have to be your first love, and your first love doesn't need to be anything specific! in my opinion, your first love is the first person that teaches you what love really means, and how it really feels, but it's different for other people so take what i say with a grain of ......   reply
19 12,2020