Soup's answer page 11 (235)

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(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ plain but cute   reply
13 02,2021
No I think people just use me but in return they gotta give me money ain't letting people use me for free   reply
23 06,2021
about lmao
i’m glad to say that my parents loved me enough to not embarrass myself he wouldn’t even bat an eye to u so stop acting mental u literally have no chance so give up   reply
13 08,2023
about question
my sister tried to gatekeep the site cuz i wanted to read some good mangas so i begged her but she didn’t tell so i waited till she was on it and looked at her phone and got it from there   reply
13 08,2023
Ummm no? But I do remember that time when someone pooped their pants in kindergarten and my teacher made two girls (one was my friend) to smell everyones ass to see who did it ahhhhh crazy times   reply
19 06,2021
nothing rlly but im into genshin so whenever I ascend a character I feel soooo good and happy like I accomplished something in my life other than that maybe me going to be a teacher to ruin kids lives like who will ruin kids lives if im not there   reply
24 05,2021
i feel like depression should be less but it's not as good as I thought   reply
25 06,2021
lol ill try but they aint funny I stole the next few and to make up the bad ones here some hot guys 4 u ;)   reply
13 05,2021
: D   reply
06 07,2021
let’s say i got to be the main character i would look for a guy with big boobs, love man tittes, and i’ll sleep with him if i can. But if i don’t get main character i’ll just mind my own business until someone wants me   reply
24 08,2023
first I scroll really fast all the way at the end of the chapter close my laptop and process what happened leave and do my chore I didn't do to process it tell my sister about it or if possible leave it for the next day open my laptop and reread cuz when I ever I do that I miss a lot of stuff so I gotta go back and reread it   reply
07 06,2021
about question
21 06,2021
Not complainin   1 reply
21 06,2021
about lmao
i watched up till ep 11 i need to know where to watch ep 12 some say HiTv but it ain’t showing upppp i need the link to watch ep 12   1 reply
25 08,2023
about question
19 01,2025
I loved when they removed some audios and people were editing with some random ass sounds but what hurts the most was losing all my saved editsIVE BEEN SAVING EDITS SINCE 2020 AND NOW THEY ARE GONE. i remember when i would always scroll through my saved edits cuz they were that good, now i gotta go to insta and i HATE IT. like why are they so invas......   reply
19 01,2025
Ummmm ig this is accurate   reply
23 06,2021
Wow now I gotta live in secret man people rlly can't let me live   reply
23 06,2021
about question
i saw a picture of my dad and thought he looked like this and it was accurate this what happens to my dad after having 7 kids (he loves us all just very much stressed when we were young)   reply
26 11,2023
about question
14 08,2023
idc if it’s a typical story where they have sex in the first chapter but if it was a slow burn type and in like the second season BOOM AN UNCENSORED SEX SCENE i feel like i’m invading their privacy   reply
14 08,2023
idc like it got nothing to do with me wear whatever u want BUT LIKE HIM I WOULD KISS HIS FEET IDC IF IT DIRTY HE LOOKS TOO GOOOODDDDDDD   reply
13 08,2023