buttface666's question (5)

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about question
I am ignoring the 500+ tabs I have open from this site. They can be manga/hua/hwas anything is fine. I dont know why im so bored even though I have a shit ton of tabs open. Thank you.
14 08,2023
Im about to come out to my parents as trans please send cute and funny pictures im gonna shit my pants i cant calm down
11 07,2021
about question
I have over 300 tabs open and im sick of it. Please tell me to delete a good portion of my tabs. Whether it be in a nice way or a mean way please tell me to delete them.
07 09,2023
about question
from one trans guy to many other trans people, u guys rock. Dont listen to those who say otherwise.
07 09,2023
about eat food
I am so sick of people being so fixated on a characters gender which is not specified in a manga or anime. Why the fuck is it ur number one priority to figure out whether theyre a boy or a girl do non binary genderfluid gender ambigous people etc not exist???? and why the hell is it so fucking hard for you to use they/them pronouns to address them. Who the fuck cares what they are stop making their gender the only thing that they are. All you need to know about a person is that they are a person. Holy shit people dont fucking need to have their gender specified stop finding clues or using gestures as "hints" to find out what gender they are. Fucking troglodytes need to stop obessesing over it and i fucking hate wiki comment sections. sorry for the long rant
27 06,2021