Snowy's answer (2)

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about question
Snowy 2 days
I'm a lazy ho to my core and my lunches are small. I have a slow metabolism and trying to lose weight 1. Work lunch: - boiled eggs, some pink Himalayan salted walnuts, a banana with peanut butter - P3 portable protein pack or sargento balanced breaks package, whole milk berry yogurt, and a Kind bar 2. Home lunch: - toss jasmine rice in the ric......   reply
2 days
Snowy 05 12,2016
our moms are adults and they make their own decisions on what to do with their lives. Killing your mom (or another person) for that matter is wrong unless in immediate self-defense. There are always ways to help another person. If they're being abused, go to the police. If they're addicts, go to rehab. If they have mental illnesses, get a doctor or......   1 reply
05 12,2016