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24 04,2021
Hey ok, can I share a dream I had last night? no? k thanks.

idk why but I just randomly remembered a dream I had that scared the living shit out of me. So me and my cousins who I'm close with kinda remind me of the friend group from Derry Girls (funny show watch it on Netflix) so ig that's why we were heavily pictured as them. but anyway we were causing trouble, trespassing on some church school at midnight then breaking into a hotel RIGHT next to it and staying in a room. Then when we were just chilling on the beds I get a call from my mom's bf saying "You left your computer on. Your mom saw your account on Mangago" (while he was saying this it was of my mom in my room on my pc shaking her head) and my heart DROPPED, then all of a sudden the FBI broke down the door and it was like one of those movie clips where the camera is moving left and right showing chaos and I woke up. Scared as hell. Fell back to sleep and dreamt of being in OMORI tho.

this was useless just wanted to share lmao
24 04,2021
Hi, so I'm really bored and I decided I wanna be a part of a scanlation group.
If any group is willing to let an amateur proofreader help dm me lol

also, this is the only place I thought to ask, sorry if it's dumb lol
20 04,2021
about lmao
You giggle, my ears sting.

You smile, my sight is overcome with darkness.

Your hair blows, the scent burning my nose.

You speak, my mouth feels numb.

You hold my hand, I shiver.


You fill up my senses.

You haunt me, ever since you left.

My dearest, Useless カス.

- Shartpissbaby
22 04,2021
about lmao
21 04,2021
Your laugh, the music to my ears.

Your smile, the light which overcomes the darkness in my sight.

Your hair, the wonderous smell of roses.

Your words, which leave a sweet taste on my tongue.

Your skin, soft to the touch.


You fill up my senses.

You make me the happiest maiden in the entire universe.

My dearest, Useless カス.

- Shartpissbaby
21 04,2021
about crying
23 04,2021
so like,, anyone wanna play valorant??
users Plue#9766
23 04,2021
about question
02 06,2021
Sempie, I just wanna say, arigatoe for the virginia lessons. I would just like to say oyasoome to my past self and ohiogazeyemassoo to the new, sexually well-informed me. you have really helped me turn over a new leaf, arigatoe again, imAbutthole sensay
02 06,2021
this is bothering me sm but I can't remember the name of this manga where these two boys in a boy band or just idols that duet (I don't remember) see fanfics of themselves and then the "top" reads a smutty one out loud and they fuck and their manager catches them and over time become lovers
05 06,2021
26 07,2023

Women haters dni this is only for women lovers
26 07,2023
about nosebleed
Gay gay homosexual gay
11 05,2021
I love over sharing on here but I haven’t done so for like 2 years so bear with me
I’m litewally gonna sob and vomit everywhere I’m so indecisive it’s so bad especially paired with whatever else I got going on like I always get so excited to go out and do sum but if I’m not with my (pretty outgoing) friends I like crash when I get there and I immediately wanna leave and cancel everything I hate being I. Places with people like why can’t I just get rid of everyone and everything whenever I want so being indecisive really fucks this up cuz one second I’ll get over the “anxiety”(idk what to call it) and feel better but then if someone even interacts with me I’ll crash again and ruin the mood and I can’t even tell u the amount of times I’ve been yelled at for doing this yet the same ppl still wanna get mad at me when I say I don’t wanna go somewhere cuz I know I’ll js crash and if I crash they’ll yell at me but if I don’t go they’ll yell at me so WHAT DO I DO anyway that’s off topic I’m always inconveniencing people by being so indecisive cuz I’ll be like changing plans all over the place but then get overwhelmed and say nvm just stop everything pls go back to normal and I get yelled at AGAIAN tho ik it’s my fault for being like this I wanna change I know I have to but I just can’t I’ve always been like this and I don’t know how to counteract this it SUCKS UGH
08 09,2023
about nosebleed
hello there, [ constipated ].

I would just like to confirm, earlier, were you simply talking of "lunch" with Useless カス?

I would just like to make sure
24 04,2021
about nosebleed
24 04,2021
i just sneezed and something shot out my mouth into my hand and now there's just this sticky stuff on my fingers looking like cum
24 04,2021
about nosebleed
so like, put some links to manga that have been dropped by translators, thanks
25 04,2021
so a couple years ago I had a shower thought, we could actually make hoverboards, like the flying ones, if we had strong enough magnets.

Like if you get a south pole of a super-strong magnet, put it on the bottom of something, then get another one and put it on the ground, wouldn't that make it float?? If we could find stronger magnets or make stronger magnets couldn't it eventually lead to flying cars or sum? To make flying cars we would have to put magnets in the road tho.

idk I was just staring off into space and remembered that for some reason
21 04,2021
y'all know that thing in chapters that lets you go to the top? It's on the side of my screen now wherever I go, and it still works so like, is this a glitch or did I just never notice it?
24 04,2021
(schools in my area wonky asf so we have the same ppl in every class)

so y'all know pride month right? yes? no? ok. Half my class is homophobic, even one of my friends. They all got so mad over seeing pride flags in some teacher's rooms, a trans girl who was wearing one of those "HUMAN" flags, and a drawing someone did of a pride flag. When we were heading into drama class (FAVORITE TEACHER OMG SHES SO SUPPORTIVE AND UGH) they were saying bs like "I just wanna rip that pride flag like ugh" and "eww pride flags" to the drawings, and as I was walking to my seat I said to my friend "why is like half the class homophobic" and a girl said in response "ikr gay ppl suck"

Now that last one might have been a slight joke by the 'pick-me' (stereotypical, ik) but after she said that she pointed to me and said, "aren't you bi?" and I replied so quick like it was a survival reflex, "no?"

May I add, almost everyone was by her and I didn't like the attention so I prob said it to end it fast? Anyway, after I said no some of them were like "I KNEW it" "I told you, bro" and deadass that made me question my sexuality HARD. After they all went and sat down my friend said "They all thought you were bi or gay bc of your bangs lol"
The fuck? How does me getting bangs mean I'm gay

That was my last class of the day so when I was on the bus it was all I could think ab and, I still can't believe it, but I deadass thought "Should I just be straight so I don't have to deal with them?"

So yeah some homophobic classmates made me deadass question my sexuality, just felt the need to share that even though this is THE time we all need to support each other, no one is. For me, at least
10 06,2021
when was the last time you saw an old person (80+) with visible tattoos??? exactly.
19 02,2021
08 04,2021
say happy birthday pls

this is not a request its a threat k thanks
08 04,2021
Let's think of the life-long question that men and women everywhere ask.

Which is better? Ass or Tits?

The debate of the Ass vs Tits has been around for as long as many can remember. While many prefer tits, the majority prefer ass. A few opinions people have are:

sum1rand0m on reddit says,,
"Ass! Because you can grab and slap ass in ways you can't with tits, you can check out a girls ass from behind without her even knowing unlike tits, a great ass means a girl worked her ass off (pun intended) to get it unlike tits you can buy. Also a big ass small tits still looks more proportional than a girl with huge tits and no ass."

ManicLord on reddit says,,
"Ass. You can sculpt an ass. Tits are not like that."

Breklinho on reddit says,,
"Ass with no tits beats tits with no ass every day

In general perky B cups with a nice butt are perfff"

Kiyoshi Fujino from Prison School says,,
"Mankind... used to walk on all fours.
What they saw before then... were asses...
Yes... in the evolution of mankind, the ass... became the boobs...
When mankind walked on four legs... what lay before their eyes...
Was the ass.
Ever since the day man began to walk on two legs, the ass... no longer remained in front of their eyes, and what replaced it were... the boobs!!
Women's large mounds are a replacement for the ass.
But the true origin of life is the ass... boobs... are just a replacement... so...
In the end, boobs are nothing more than fake asses.
And if I had to choose between the original and the imitation, of course I would choose the original!!"
(well said, Kiyoshi, well said...)

Kempeth on reddit says,,

I've never seen a naked ass where I went "Damn girl!". But I do appreciate a nice but not overwhelming curve below the waist wrapped in tight pants. And I do appreciate it as a sensitive spot for caressing and such.

But a nice pair of breasts looks good with and without clothes."

TenKDays agrees with the above replying,,
"I'm with you on this as well. Huge tits aren't necessarily nicer than smaller ones. It's all about proportions :)"

toypatrol on reddit says,,

Anyone can have a nice ass. All it takes is a whole lot of proper exercise and bam. You can have it poppin back there.

But great tits are the best, they can't be replicated. Doing squats can make your flat ass big, but you can't have a flat chest and work them into DD's. That makes them more divine to me.

Plus I'm a visual guy, so with the front you get her face and tits all in one view. I feel like I spend more time in a relationship face to face rather than behind her so ass is not as important for me."

While many are on about tits and ass, there are some who don't agree with them at all.

HaydenB on reddit says,,
"Legs... Nice legs please.."

theshaqattack on reddit says,,
"Legs ... So much harder to find a good set of legs than a good ass or good tits.

I go, legs, ass, tits."

NCender27 responds to the above,,
"My man. Most people go for the boobs or the ass. Even for grabbing during the act, but not me. Give me a sexy pair of thighs and my fingers will dig in so hard it'll leave bruises. Boobs are eye candy. An ass is good for smacking. But when I need grab a hold for a climax even Thor himself would be jealous of, I won't grab anything but the thighs. Legs all damn day."

ImFromTheSouth also replies,,
"Thick thighs. Hell yes."

While we are a small minority, there are many thigh supporters.
Now that we know the people's preferences, let's dig deeper into the facts.

Thighs can come in all sizes and still be everyone's favorite, while some people prefer a certain shape and size of tits and ass. Generally, the majority prefer larger tits and curvier asses according to studies.

Michael Castleman says,,
"French researchers fitted women with various size padded bras and sent them to cafés where they sat alone. As bra size increased, so did the number of men who approached them."

Barbara Stepko states,,
"Research from the University of Texas at Austin found that what men are really drawn to isn’t so much the size of the derriere, but the curve—or, more specifically, a spinal curvature that offers the illusion of a shapely butt."

While there are no official studies for thighs, the balance between preferring muscular thighs to thick/big thighs is fairly equal.

"When it comes to big thighs, there may be an evolutionary reason why someone would want a partner with big thighs. Larger hips, for example, indicate that someone can more readily bear children without complications. A bit of extra weight shows that the woman is healthy and can nurse children. Big thighs fall into this category." Says Courtney Pococh.

She also states,,

"Everyone has different tastes, so there are some guys who like thin thighs, some guys who like big thighs and many guys in between. In general though, most guys prefer toned, athletic thighs. This is because toned thighs (regardless of size) look better, and because it is healthier. While some guys may still be fine with big thighs of any sort, the majority are going to prefer big thighs that got that way through muscle tone."

Not only are big thighs attractive, but they also may be wiser health wise to have, according to Harvard Health research,,

"A weighty body of evidence shows that upper body fat is more hazardous than lower body fat. Until recently, doctors assumed that even if lower body fat is less dangerous than upper body fat, it's no bargain on its own. But research may change that belief; without questioning the fact that upper body fat is a formidable foe, it raises the startling possibility that lower body fat may actually be a friend to health"

Now that I have stated the facts, it's time to bring my own opinion into view.
As many others have said before, thighs are the best things to grab and grope during intercourse. Additionally, thighs are the best pillow. Yes, boobs may be indeed soft as well, it can be awkward for the woman’s breast you are laying on. When pressure is applied to most women’s breasts it can feel uncomfortable, or can even hurt. Also, unless you are either both laying down or the woman’s breasts are unusually large, you can’t really lay comfortably. However with thighs, no matter the size or texture they are warm and comfortable. This position is often used in anime as a way for someone (usually mc) unconscious to lay down, while also including some romance. The woman in this situation does not feel discomfort most of the time, and can even feel nice while doing it.
If you’re questioning, “why can’t you lay on the ass?” my answer to you is another question, why would you? To be able to lay on an ass the lady would have to lay on their stomach which is awkward, and if they lay flat on their stomachs their breasts can have that uncomfortable pressure I mentioned earlier.
Even if in some yaoi and fanfiction men have nice asses and sometimes big breasts, it is uncommon in the real world. Thighs, however, are common. You can always grab some nice thighs whether your partner is male, female, or a different gender. You don't need a nice body to have nice thighs.

I could go on forever about why thighs are ultimately better, but this is already 3 1/2 pages in google docs.

Hopefully, by the end of this, you realize that thighs are superior.

Thank you, and goodbye.

- Shartpissbaby, 4-12-21
started at 4:06 PM EST/ended at 5:12 PM EST
12 04,2021