HeichouMei's answer (3)

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FACTS DAMMIT FACTS FACTS FACTS I was on Twitter (aka hell hole) and I saw a THREAD of kpop stans ARGUING over a person’s comment saying “They’ve never said they were gay or straight. Just leave them be and enjoy their music.” And they were M A D. They were yelling “how do you know?! Why are you assuming sexualities.” “LMFAO you can t......   6 reply
14 12,2020
Ight I got a friend to answer this. He’s got a long schlong so he says it touches the toilet water sometimes and it doesnt bother him that much when he’s walking. It’s usually in a resting position. But when you do your do it feels good in the tip- like a woman. Since the clit is the same feeling as the penis. Usually the stupid terminology �......   reply
19 11,2020
It’s not that traumatic I guess after reading everyone elses but one day I went to this hella sucky anime convention and I ended up buying two yaois with two gay posters and like I hid them under my mattress because you know... NoBoDy WaS gOnNa Go UnDeR tHeRe. Then of course my mother went under my mattress and saw a half naked Armin and Eren tog......   2 reply
29 12,2018