Kottonkandykat's question (1)

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My first kiss was with a family friend I had a crush on since I was 5. Our parents were practically besties and so we were together a lot, especially out camping. We were camping one time and we decided to play murder in the dark hide and go seek tiggy (man what a mouthful), a game we played a lot, and we hid together in the hollow trunk of a tree. We were both 14 and girls. She made the excuse that it was cold and unzipped my hoodie to snuggle up with me and being the awkward and lovestruck girl I was I blushed furiously. After a few minutes of silence everyone started calling us saying we won the game, of course at that moment I didn't give a crap about the game but I still wanted to get out of that situation before she noticed me turning into a tomato. I went to get up when I realised she fell asleep. ASLEEP IN MY LAP! Man my mind was going places. I lifted her up to see her face when she mumbled my name in her sleep, THIS WAS WAY TOO MUCH FOR ME! Without thinking I kissed her. Dick move I know, kissing someone whilst they're asleep, but I couldn't help it. It was AMAZING. i couldn't stop. Halfway through I realised that she started kissing back, I was so confused but I wasn't gonna stop that heveanly moment for that. We both made out there for awhile until everyone started a search party. 6 years later and here we are with 3 fur babies and living a happy life. I wanna know your stories too
16 03,2018