-_-'s answer page 1 (25)

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about question
22 06,2021
I will never understand masturbation. Ill be praying for you tho   reply
22 06,2021
about lmao
Giving speed anal. Scariest shit of my life   4 reply
22 05,2024
When I was in 8th grade I went on a field trip and there was a hot tub. This guy was sitting next to me and I grabbed his dick. He jumped back and his hands over his pants bc he got a boner. I actually felt terrible and sent a very since long ass message and his horny ass said "I liked it". ._. Got me fucked up thinking I assaulted him.   1 reply
31 05,2021
about question
05 08,2024
You dont like them. You might fear to outright reject them because you don't want to ruin the friendship so you're trying to convince yourself you have feelings. Ask yourself, Do you have romantic feelings for him? Do you want him as more than a friend? But you didn't want to kiss him again so you don't have feelings for him. Probably better that ......   reply
05 08,2024
Genshin impact is boring af. Read wattpad if you're bored. Go make a ft call with a bunch of contacts. Get a lighter and burn papers. Burn highschool jerseys. Run screaming "SHINZO WO SASAGEYO". Drink milk with lemon juice. Put peanut butter in the toaster. Eat a peanut butter and turkey sandwich. Play roblox. After you've done all this then reply......   2 reply
22 06,2021
21 07,2021
Someone got expelled for selling tylenol. (8th grade)   1 reply
21 07,2021
13 03,2024
Cmon now. Lets not bring this back.   reply
13 03,2024
Everyone in America is fucking retarded. The second they heard about the vaccine they acted as if the pandemic no longer existed. Key word "VACCINE" NOT "CURE". These idiots think they cant covid. They think they're immune. My governer (A grown ass (white) man) approved the mandate on masks to be lifted. Like are you stupid??? First of all you can ......   2 reply
06 05,2021
about question
03 05,2024
This is just...   1 reply
03 05,2024
about question
The way this is so disgusting.   1 reply
03 05,2021
31 07,2024
Baseline: Burn more calories than you eat. Like others mentioned, calories vs. Calories out. Having a good sleep schedule is very important. Also, don't eat until you are actually hungry and don't eat until your stuffed. Just eat until you are moderately full. I know this sounds like bad advice but some nights you're going to have to go sleep hu......   1 reply
31 07,2024
about question
23 07,2021
The amount of people who will end their lives if this site shuts down. No one has healthy outlets but this site unfortunately and its all gonna be your fault.   reply
23 07,2021
16 10,2023
I hate to break it to you, but he's prolly cheating. It doesn't matter how long yall dated, men will always cheat. All power to you tho, just remember ur better than this   reply
16 10,2023
18 09,2024
Drugs/smoking. Those will give you rapid weightloss. And avoid sugar, sugar is the devil. And exercise + cut out processed food.   3 reply
18 09,2024
20 07,2023
20 07,2023
Are you a male or female   reply
20 07,2023
about question
I think the fact some of yall find this enjoyable is a problem   reply
14 07,2021
I love literally everything about myself. Personality and physically Im perfect. I feel bad for people that wake up not looking like me. I am undeniably the best looking person I know.   reply
30 06,2021
Someone exactly like me.   reply
01 07,2021
about dating
Cann I joinnn   reply
14 07,2021