GiyaxMxtx's answer (5)

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I'm gay. Mlm. A homo. Do you think the only people who read it are female? And even so it's just another genre we should be trying to normalized mlm relationships.. though yes I agree some females can fetishize and thats not okay but you shouldn't generalize everyone in the same category and then tell them to die wtf?   reply
15 07,2021
What was wrong with you guys in 2016 being all fetishzers... damn this is disgusting   reply
10 05,2021
Not y'all trying to validate rape.. as a victim this is disgusting and something that does not need to be romantized about- you need to get help if you are trying to validate thinking this. I understand sometimes getting curious but trying to make it seem normal and romantized? Please stop. I would never wish it upon everyone. You guys are sick.   2 reply
10 05,2021
about question
Kind of like this but a little lighter skin   reply
28 05,2021
Is this even a question? 2 just because Chanwoo is in there and that whole room would just be so fun   reply
15 01,2021