Pretty corpse's question page 2 (59)

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If you could change anything in mangago to improve it, what would it be? I mean like change options or add something or remove something

ik you wanna say trolls but...
Comments under those pervy troll's questions are actually hella funny

Wanna go eat with me sushi?pls
03 03,2021
I can't sleep I tired almost everything but I really want to sleep but I can't

Help me
14 01,2021
about question
Honestly if I could choose my gender at the start of my life I would choose to be a boy. I mean I'm just so sick of periods and not begin able to go out at night cuz I could be r*ped or some shit. I'm also sick of men looking at my body with those gross thirsty looking eyes. Because of it I feel uncomfy af when I wear even a bit revealing clothes. I have full gallery of videos of me walking alone at night so someone could find it if someone will kidnap me or something else. I need to shave my body hair cause if I won't people will find me disgusting and dirty, even though men don't have to do that. I'm not trans cuz I feel like I'm a girl but yeah.. Actually when I need to go out when it's dark I try to crossdress to look like a boy or look as ugly and disgusting as possible so no one would find me attractive haha

I hope I didin't offend anyone ,If I did sorry
12 05,2021
Pretty corpse 10 02,2021
What's your fav song?
10 02,2021
Where do you think we go after death?

food is the best
I live for food
03 03,2021
Pretty corpse 25 06,2021
What's the cringiest shit you've done?
25 06,2021
What little things makes you very annoyed?
19 01,2021
What is the worst thing you told someone? The meanest the worst thing. Do you feel guilty? Why you told them that?

Gimmie fooood and answeeers im hungryyy
04 02,2021
It feels like it's been forever... I was just about to make grave for mangago..
And then for myself... BUT THAT AIN'T HAPPENING FCK YEEE (mangago don't torture me like that anymore pls)
Ekhem...Anywayyys what were you doing while the site was down?

I was on mangaowl and this shit annoyed the shit out of me I swear I was just about to yeet my computer and that's because it was taking too long to load. Pain.
03 04,2021
What's the nicest thing someone ever said to you?

I'm trying to distract you from thinking about mangago begin taken down again-
Let's think about nice things only
06 04,2021
What's your daily routine?

Also im really hungry
I would like to eat a cookie rn
31 01,2021
I haven't been here fo a while so hi. I know most of you don't know me but idc (I'm pretty corpse hi hi hi)
So basically I wanted to know if something interesting happened in the last two months :^) spill the tea
14 07,2021
about question
most popular/annoying anime cliche

I will answer too cuz why tf not

im kinda hungry

also ''IHateReality(and some japanese letters)'' I had a dream about u lmao I had a dream where someone made some normal question on mangago and everyone were replying in japanese including you and I was so confused
07 05,2021
So I wanted to ask if there is any interesing discord server that is not dead? If yes then pls let me join I'm sooo bored

khhh damn my fridge is almost empyty :((
01 03,2021
what are some accidental (or not) lgbtq couples/characters/ships in anime or manga?

(but not yaoi or yuri bc it's obvious there is going to be lgbt characters there lmao. Ur not dumb you know what I mean)
21 05,2021
What is the worst and most annoying personality traits, habits (or anything else lol) human can have
Do you know person like this? What you don't like about them?

For example I don't like it when people are talking too loud and when they ship me with anyone. I have friend which is very annoying cuz she ships everyone with everyone. Also her ships don't make sense . She shipped me with some guy I hate (I'm actually very open about it she knows it probably but yeah) and I slept at the same time he did in school and that's why she ships us. Like sis what the actual fuck, are u dumb?
26 01,2021
I'm usually dancing and singing and I turn music on but like on full volume and of course the ones with bad words cuz y'know I'm alone eheheh

Or I swear out loud
30 12,2020
about work
Or who do you think you will be in future?

Personally, I would like to have firm or shop. I think I can think strategically. And actually I'm thinking of realizing this dream of mine! ☆⌒(*^-゜)v
Also I thought about begin a model..I think it could be work for me too
And I have no idea who I really will be.. I hope that I will be happy with my profession in future that's all

How about you?
07 12,2020
What to do when you are bored at home? But like nothing related to phones pls
27 01,2021
about question
Have you ever had toxic friend? Why were they toxic? What they did to you?

I have a toxic friend in my class. Recently she told me that my dear friend is fake cuz she told my another friend that this bitch was talking about her in a bad way. My dear friend also made a story on ig that I'm one of most important people in her life, so of course that bitch told me that this is dangerous for me and that I should stay away from her.Does that idiot think I'm that dumb to belive her bullshit? Pls she can't get any more annoying and cringy. And that's all over a guy. Imagine destroying your own reputation cuz you like some random guy.
She is acting like a child from a kindergarten
25 02,2021