Nol's question (2)

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about penpals
20 12,2017
Since I saw that there are many here adding people and such on line app, i'd jump on the bandwagon!

I'm 19 years old. Currently a university student. Im fond of yaoi and started reading it when I was on my 1st year of hs i guess. I also read and watch diff genres of anime and series. I love sherlock and i'm waiting for s4 to come on netflix.

Also you can talk to me about anything, be it what happened on your day or what you're currently doing.

Hoping to find new friends!
20 12,2017
about penpals
I was part of a line group about bl but it's not active anymore, I wanna hit them up but I'm afraid that I'll just bother them. OTL
If there's one can you add me? My line id is arumira_ . Or if you wanna add me as a friend, feel free to do so (but I'm kinda awkward so bear with me).
Grazie! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
05 05,2019