bishounensupremacy's answer page 4 (386)

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it's not that hard to make photorealistic panels imo what matters the most in manga art is how good the artist is at expressing complex emotions through their work. i have to be able to understand the mental state the characters are in before needing to read the dialogue   3 reply
21 05,2024
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drink your last cup of tea you boring ass bitch   6 reply
8 days
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if you're a minor they hit on you. hope this helps!!   reply
29 03,2024
i do not dream of labor but being a coffee shop owner sounds nice   reply
22 05,2024
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i basically killed my social anxiety by purposefully putting myself in uncomfortable situations over and over again   1 reply
31 05,2024
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idc if people call it useless or whatever i just dont get why they are so bothered by it like since when rich people being humbled and knocked off their pedestal a bad thing? not like the people bitching abt how pointless it is are doing anything better to help palestine or any other opressed group anyway   1 reply
12 05,2024
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you'll realize most of the stuff that made you feel like it's the end of the world really wasn't that big of a deal, best thing about growing old imo   reply
05 04,2024
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im a sucker for angst but id rather kms than reread this   3 reply
04 03,2024
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29 03,2024
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buying a physical book?? in this economy???   1 reply
19 12,2023
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idk if ppl exaggerate but "non walkable city" is such a weird concept to me wdym you need to go everywhere with ur car? the sidewalks arent really sidewalks?? what do yall do when u need to take a breather?? walk in circles around the garden???? the closest coffee shop is 3 miles away???   3 reply
29 03,2024
as an alpha YTA. first of all an omega who is friends with a lot of alphas is definitely for the streets. alphas like your 'friend' should be aiming for high value omegas who stay at home in their nest instead of 'pursuing higher education'-which is just an excuse for slutty omegas to spread their pheromones to as many alphas as possible btw (heard......   2 reply
24 04,2024
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when the relationship becomes boring as fuck after they get together and both characters lose all their personality. "they never fight omg so wholesome   2 reply
21 12,2023
im not gonna cancel them over it or anything but attending an event that you know is deliberately being used to divide attention from an ongoing genocide is very tone deaf. they wont die if they dont awkwardly pose on a carpet in their fancy outfit and do whatever high school prom shit theyre doing in there. too much fame isnt good for people anywa......   3 reply
11 05,2024
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i have 229 dislikes on one of them its my biggest flex lol out of like 100 ppl who see your comment theres bound to be some who disagree or just feel like clicking dislike for no reason its the ratio that matters imo   reply
01 01,2024
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i think the joke isnt the posts themselves but the ppl who reply to them acting like theyre new lmao ive seen someone giving love advice on a thread thats been there since 2018 OP is probably married by now   2 reply
23 03,2024
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it's pretty much an unspoken rule in any fandom that canon and fanon are seperated from each other and the fans are allowed to have headcanons & interpret the work however they want as long as they don't claim that it's canon. if people shipping two characters from your webtoon makes you wanna stop making it completely you probably shouldn't be an ......   1 reply
15 05,2024
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why cant yall just read whatever the hell you want and move on whys there always someone writing whole essays trying to justify their shitty taste   1 reply
19 03,2024