Cassie's answer page 5 (88)
k can y'all just start ignoring posts like this because this person is obviously just trolling everyone and you're giving them the attention they WANT so they're going to just keep on doing it, if you're genuinely annoyed by these posts then just IGNORE THEM
3 reply
30 04,2021
I made Cain from Dear Door
13 02,2021
Um just don't do it. Like I'm not joking, DO NOT DO IT. It is not your responsibility and you will only be taken advantage of more if you end up actually doing it. You're sister and grandma are absolutely fucked up and you should honestly call Child Care Services if this is something that happens a lot, If I was you I would have beaten the shit out......
1 reply
18 04,2021
People that make everything into a competition. I could be lke "I'm sad" and they'll be like "yeah well I've tried to kill myself 3 times in the past month" or something when I know for a fact that's not true like I don't get it.
21 02,2021
Its a list that has a bunch of Bl that has Sequel's, Prequel's and spin offs, I haven't finished organizing it yet but most are in order.
19 03,2021
The actual f*ck are you talking about you psycho
06 02,2021
I mean I'm a Leo so an Alpha I guess I would like find a high-tech nose plug or whatever (if that's even a thing) to block out any pheremone scent I'm not just gonna go around raping people like basically all the other alphas do tf
4 reply
08 02,2021