Maple Tree's question page 1 (62)

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y'all... what if george WAS found :o
22 02,2021
about question
Im was in a shit mood and came on here to relax but theres drama. So yeah, give me cute pictures, jokes, whatever.
06 06,2021
about question
I don't fucking get it. Why do y'all hate these types of characters so much? I see so many people slut shaming the bottoms in yaois on this site, yikes
23 04,2021
Maple Tree 06 02,2021
i've been listening to the same song for the past week and im going crazy. what do yall listen to nowadays? i desperately need some new songs (i dont like kpop, soz)
06 02,2021
its too long but whatever:

here are some lines quoted from the article:

"Some male otaku have felt threatened and intimidated by the fujoshi, but this is just another example of how strong the purchasing power of women is despite the state of the global economy. "

"It is alarming that a number of male otaku seem to be frightened by fujoshi. Is it because of the patriarchal view of Japanese society? Do Japanese men see themselves as the ones that should dominate in all aspects of life and culture? They could be afraid of women’s abilities to control them easily because men can’t resist a woman’s charms when she is able to utilize them to her advantage."

"Japanese women tend to spend mostly based on their own needs and family needs. If they happen to enjoy certain things, they will definitely make purchases based on their interests. Women also have a habit of loving to treat themselves after a hard day’s work as well. Combine the rise of female employment with women’s purchasing preferences and you have a segment to make a great deal of revenue from."

this is from 2012 btw. ancient ik. so all of this was a marketing gimmick?
02 02,2021
about being gay
Haebom from CBAW. i think hes a bit childish. i cant pinpoint why i feel this way, i just do.
Perhaps its cus he literally looks the same since when he was 14 years old.
maybe its cus the fandom babies him alot. i think his character could be fleshed out more.

this is a genuine question, not an attack. i want your honest unbiased opinion on how mature he is, keeping in mind that he is 24 years old now.
31 01,2021
i don't like that in the omegaverse, male omegas are called wives or mothers if they are married or if they give birth.

what the fuck does it mean. they can be called husbands at least. biologically omegas are usually frailer and prettier (feminine features), petite. is that supposed to mean women are all of those things?

its really been bothering me
ik its just a fictional world but i wonder if it was done on purpose, to create a world with a flawed system or if the person who started this was misogynistic.

and this:

i don't get the thing about them being the 'wives'. especially when the omega went into heat. are women inherently submissive and needy? at the mercy of the husbands?
18 01,2021
it is wrong to have bones in your body. it causes homophobia and racism. think about it, all the racists and homophobes have bones.


holy fuck im so high
20 02,2021
Maple Tree 15 01,2021
i forgot my partner's birthday
its today, and i got nothing
15 01,2021
If you think this topic has been repeated too many times then just don't fucking read this.

Its natural for a cishet woman to find an Male x Male relationship attractive. But lots of females become obsessive to the point that its wrong. You'll notice that you most probably subliminally glorify mlm, assign heteronormative gender roles to men in gay relationships, associate them with a "ukes" or "semes", believe in offensive stereotypes, etc. Leaning in favor of mlm is basically objectifying.

Its dehumanizing. Its not supportive. Its unhealthy misrepresentation.

There is a whole genre and fandom created by primarily women based off of homosexual erotica. I find this to be gross in itself. Recently there was a post wherein the OP stated that she wanted to know what an "uke's" moan sounds like so she watched gay porn. And she just asked other fujoshis if they do the same. THIS. This is the reason gay men (and lots of others) are against fujoshis. Its so fucking uncomfortable.

LGBTQ+ people are still fighting for basic human rights. Fetishising a marginalised community- do you really not see what is wrong with that? If you don't then it just shows your privilege. You are in no position to argue with us on our issues because you ARE the issue.
19 02,2021
about question
Kataluna Enriquez, shes a transwoman :D

Sadly theres alot of transphobia in the comments. I'd consider valid criticism of whether the judges were being biased, or her having done something against the rules, but its mostly people just calling her a man and saying transwomen should stay in spaces specifically for them as if this is a ciswoman-only pageant. I hope shes doing okay
04 07,2021
is it "ya'll" or "y'all". i've been using "y'all" but i've seen lots of people say "ya'll" and i think it sounds stupid. but then i thought about it and got confused. what if im wrong
02 03,2021
Maple Tree 21 02,2021
this is a bit personal but i really have nobody to talk to about this. i thought i'd feel better if it was anonymous online so here goes
my partner wants kids in the future. i dont.
we don't intend on breaking up over this cus we've been together since high school. we're in our early twenties and i am really sure that i dont want to start a family.

even the thought of marriage scares me. i think i will eventually want to marry my partner but i know i'll never be open to having kids.

(i'd prefer it if adults answered this instead of the general ten year old populace on mangago)
21 02,2021
i was the one who posted this:

so i'd like to say, im sorry if i hurt anyones feelings. black kageyama helped clear it up for me, thank you.
earlier somewhere in an answer i mentioned heterophobia and others said it wasnt real. i went on to create a post about it without much thought.

it was influenced by something that happened to me and my lover in real life recently. im just really shaken up mentally by it and mislabeled what i experienced. what i dealt with was bigotry by a wlw fetishist, not heterophobia.

these few lines sort of changed my mind:
"*most* people don’t have prejudice or bias against straight people. It’s not a big enough phenomenon to give it its own word."
"Straight people are not discriminated against. Straight people rarely receive bigotry because of how normalized being straight is. Straight people are not oppressed."

again, im so sorry to anyone whose feelings were hurt. im not completely convinced yet but i just need some time to heal after what happened to me. im not in the right mind rn

ps: im bisexual
25 01,2021
about question
Maple Tree 17 04,2021

17 04,2021
so mangago, please bring emily back as a gift to me
06 03,2021
i see u actually clicked this
hah pervert ( ̄▽ ̄)=凸
19 01,2021
about question
i made a 'not yuri' tag. it has 102 mangas so far. i want to defeat the 'not yaoi' one someday.
praise me and gimme more yaois to tag
16 04,2021