Yuanyuanyuan's answer page 7 (243)

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about question
I thought the site was down again. It once told me the gateway cannot be reached. It happened before, too, before the site went down for a week, more or less. Not all photos load. Even the mangago logo is gone. And the menus, too. It's also kinda way slower than usual.   reply
15 06,2021
Noodles. Tried eating it like in anime. No chewing, just slurping and swallowing. Choked. Really bad. Thought I was gonna die haha Sis said I was turning blue.   1 reply
21 06,2021
about question
12 06,2021
Cannibal Holocaust It traumatized me. I wasn't able to eat properly for some time after watching that. Was only 12 when I saw it. Thanks to my classmates.   reply
12 06,2021
Being murdered while in an orgy. Then, everyone will be questioned and exposed. Before I go, lemme ruin your life. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   1 reply
05 12,2020
Don't like the hierarchy. Too much rape. Only like the kids or babies. Like, omg, if only same sex couples could really have their own kids irl.   reply
02 07,2021
03 07,2021
He once asked Illumi if he could rape Killua, which triggered Illumi. So, he's a pedo.   reply
03 07,2021
about question
What pics? Asking for a friend.   1 reply
03 07,2021
14 12,2020
Diabetes: Uhm, hello?   reply
14 12,2020
Not really weird. You're not just used to it. And there are far fewer snowflakes there compared here in mangago wherein readers complain about almost everything.   1 reply
05 06,2021
Student? Focus on your studies! It's ok to read here and relax, but you should KNOW YOUR PRIORITIES. Make a schedule. Only have leisure time once your work is ALL DONE. Think about the time, effort, and money that will go to waste if you fail. Think of the people around you, too. What will your parents think? Feel? Do? Do you have any younge......   reply
13 01,2021
Golden shower is better.   reply
25 04,2021
I'm a bird. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
17 12,2020
A vagina. Hahaha If I were a woman, I'd be a whore. That's why I became a man. This was what my friend told me. Lmao   2 reply
11 01,2021
How I wish such med existed. But no. It doesn't.   reply
15 06,2021
On the surface, it seems friendly or open to lgbtq+, but if you dig deeper, one will find out it's not really true. The Philippines is a country with mostly Catholic or Christian individuals. Even politics is highly and extremely affected by the church. This is the main reason why same-sex marriage, same-sex union, and divorce are impossible here. ......   reply
06 06,2021
about question
When someone talks to me while I'm reading.   1 reply
27 06,2021
about lmao
Just checking the temperature of his pet. Thru rectal thermometer. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
18 06,2021
What are your thoughts about murder? About rape? Aren't they all the same? They're all a big no. I wonder what kind of answer op is waiting or looking for, asking a question with a very obvious answer. I also wonder if there are some brave enough who'd say they agree with pedophilia   reply
21 04,2021
06 06,2021
My ex had 2 facebook accounts. I found out the other one and saw a newly posted pic of him with another guy in bed. They just woke up. The night before that he said he was out with friends, but upon reading comments, I found that the guy was his boyfriend. And after doing some stalking and investigations, I found out that they had been together eve......   1 reply
06 06,2021