monotonousfox's answer page 1 (213)

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Im gonna be honest, i cannot fuck with some neo pronouns. You really expect me to remember to call u zero or zeroself in regular conversation? I might just default to they/them   1 reply
22 08,2023
Shoes during sex will forever ruin my vibe   3 reply
23 07,2024
Idk about a pet peeve, but a full stop is romanticizing bleeding. Like just blood and the top is like “lol good thing ur bleeding! Otherwise this would be pretty painful, right?” Huge red flag tbh   3 reply
17 12,2023
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Next is I hate straight ppl right?   reply
22 07,2021
Why dont ya just…. Cool it Calm down. Be less fatherless   reply
16 08,2023
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You see, I started reading the story bc I was curious why the author was making such a fuss online. I didn’t even make it through the first chapter before I said “oh so she’s crazy frfr” Like I don’t think you can be a perfectly sane person and make that kind of story. To see that she’s offering money for someone’s private informati......   reply
13 07,2021
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Girl what the fuck kind of copy pasta is this   reply
17 12,2023
monotonousfox 11 07,2021
….??? Idk how else to say this buy y’all are kinda dumb.   2 reply
11 07,2021
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When im reading a smut manga (regardless of the genders) and the more submissive one in the relationship just acts like a virginal child who doesnt know the first thing about sex— It’s always so cringe watching these characters cry and shake and be so surprised that the more aggressive one kissed them with TONGUE??? Literally always cringe wh......   2 reply
21 08,2023
The ones that will call u fetishizers cos u like to read yaoi, yuri, shounen ai, shoujo ai, who gives a shit ai— Like homie, don’t act like you’re any better   reply
23 07,2021
Anyone know the school WiFi password? My phone sucks ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
01 07,2021
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Are there ppl out there arguing that? Bc that’s hella dumb.   2 reply
15 07,2021
As a grown ass woman myself, I’d have to tell her to mind her business,,,   reply
08 06,2021
Did yall actually read this?   1 reply
22 08,2023
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Reading this was a nightmare and honestly you lost me a “fuck grirl man whore who likes to fuck every ma” Proof reading your typing really doesn’t take much time Anyway… I think people that want to have children should have children. Not because their birth control failed, not because they were raped Forcing people that don’t want chil......   1 reply
11 11,2024
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Doesn’t matter. If ou start caring, you get into a self destructive cycle of always trying to be better than others in some way and it literally is so destructive to your mental health In term of being a viewer, I have never paid attention to how many views or likes something got. I’m usually the odd one out when it comes to what I like so th......   reply
22 08,2024
Depends on how well done it is. Most of them, I’m just like: The really sadistic, rapey ones, I’m like: The ones that actually turn me one, I’m like: And when I get to the scene I’ve been waiting for, the rape free, fully consensual, they’ve declared their love for each other ones, I’m like: But, yeah. I just keep reading. Le shru......   reply
23 06,2021
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Super feminine ukes. Like are you sure you’re a dude? I guess that’s a penis but ARE U SURE? I swear if I wanted to read straight smut I wouldn’t be in the yaoi tag rn   1 reply
28 06,2021
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Girl when you dropped their ages, i could only ask “where tf you from” Bc no one in my culture or family does that. Not the men, not the women. Legit one of those things where I’d take the L and be the least favorite grandchild bc I’d tell them “could you not touch me?” Call me rude, unfriendly, inconsiderate, insensitive. Call me wha......   reply
20 09,2024
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monotonousfox 25 06,2021
This is my most recent finished piece. I cried when I finished bc this is a redraw I’ve done before and when compared to the original one I drew,,, All I can say is “the difference a year makes bro”   reply
25 06,2021