Senkido's answer page 3 (146)

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about crying
I really wish my curious ass didnt click on that link…   reply
26 06,2021
I can do my assignments and go to school and watch 2 animes in one day....Im good at drawing kinda...Im good at painting(still practicing)... Im the smartest in my class but also the weebest....Im always president and top 1 in my class...   reply
11 12,2020
oh god, i used to have a crush but the feelings disappeared after a while. Seeing this comments makes me miss to have feelings to someone real again.   reply
06 07,2021
And you found that funny?- I really hope your friend just left you alone after what you did ffs. Shipping real people is bad enough, but literally shipping a man with another man? Even though he turned out gay, he wasnt when you shipped him with your other friend. And being him being gay doesnt mean he liked your other friend. I hope you literally ......   1 reply
24 06,2021
It looks bad, thats all im gonna say   1 reply
25 05,2021
19 05,2021
about lgbt
14 05,2021
Hakken Im bisexual for her   reply
14 05,2021
Always leave clues on who im gonna kill next, then if the popo cant find out in a certain amount of time, then my target bouta go bye bye and off to go say hi to satan. And if the police cant find out 3 of the clues i left, then their families will go bye bye too Also, no witnesses. them bitches gotta go   reply
25 05,2021
idk but i just scream randomly like, i could be watching videos then i have a sudden urge to scream or when my just laying in bed and things like that. I also like touching/squeezing my thighs for some reason   reply
19 05,2021
oh god… Either he’d help me or would just leave the room   reply
21 07,2021
Does this count as beastiality or like furry sex?   1 reply
23 07,2021
Well i mean…. Kidnap me all you want daddy   reply
01 07,2021
about lgbt
18 06,2021
Cuz i would always complain abt how dumb or hot certain characters in mangas i read, and im also too smart for them since i would always get high hrades and their jealous of me   reply
18 05,2021
17 05,2021
Okay here me out. Ik hes from a cute manga or whatever but just look at HIM hes literally so hot yet so beautiful. And his daughter looks so cute   1 reply
17 05,2021
about question
“Finally, no more annoying bitches ruining our plans with eachother”   reply
09 07,2021
So my soulmate is.. a WOMAN??? *Happy bi noises*   reply
20 07,2021
yes im sexually and hornly attracted to a piece of paoer. So what? Ill just imagine them being 3d. and theres this secret power if mine where i can feel what i imagine… like if their hugging me, holding my hand, touching my arm, i can feel that shit   reply
24 06,2021
Yeah, sometimes i even do it with brightness, i read it beside my dad, or even in the car with the whole family, The technique is just to keep a straight face and be fast when switching apps.   reply
20 05,2021