going on the top of a sky scraper, put a speaker n' play claire de lune, wait till it's night and have an epic anime falling scene while my coat breezes through the wind. or just overdose lol 1 reply
Hi, I'm THE iconic frujtsnacks (or fru1tsnacks) ! I'm male and I love BL, physiological, comedy, and I sometimes read really disturbing shit! I'm from mars obv and my nickname is fruit ajcbhd reply
Two of my favorites are already getting animated, but I would love to see The Devils Temptation, Dream Away, Don't forget that I like you, Hoshi Dake Shitteru, Sign, and Inner Beauty 1 reply
I literally about to kiss all of you, but seriously thank you for the reassurement and I'm sorry that some of you went through the same thing. I feel a bit better now I hope you guys have an amazing day :) reply