frujtsnacks's answer page 12 (256)

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Dine with a Vampire And Sweet Caress/Affectionately   reply
16 01,2021
about question
14 07,2021
oh!   reply
14 07,2021
Watching Anime, Spending most of my days reading manga, Playing with my cat (NOT A VAGINAR I MEAN A PET CAT), Dancing, Drawing, Listening to music, Creating scenarios in my head to fall asleep, Making my ocs go through pain and misery, Crying because I accidentally hurt my cat (NOT A VAGINAR I MEAN A PET CAT), and last but not least, planning murd......   reply
31 12,2020
gay but questioning if im bi   1 reply
05 12,2020
YUMMY!!!!!11111!!11!!!1!!11!!   reply
31 12,2020
A lot of fucking people. I will punch they ass for free   reply
18 12,2020
14 12,2020
taller than me and someone who treats me well and someone who listens to me   reply
14 12,2020
My mom and sisters be asking why I don't open up to them.. Bitch you gave me all this emotional trauma wtf am I supposed to do about it!!!   3 reply
31 12,2020
06 12,2020
06 12,2020
It's honestly just r//pe and abuse.. *SPOILERS I hope noona takes nakyum back, or those mfs killed him cause like...   reply
03 01,2021
Look up videos, save up as much money. Find a place you're able to stay at. Do not bring any electronics as they can be tracked airplane mode or not. Please, if you're serious about it then try to be safe even buy self-defense weapons if needed. Here are some videos that can probably helpful   reply
22 12,2020
who am i gonna confess to? last time i had a crush on a trump supporter and almost killed my self when i found out   reply
17 01,2021
The Devil's Temptation, It was from the first few of reading BL and I'm so glad to say that this is number one in my favorite BL (On Going). Dine with a Vampire, It's not complete, but it's so good like ... I love reading messed up shit man unless it's labeled as "Romance," and it's basically manipulation.. (On Going). Anyway, Dasadanan, the side c......   reply
05 01,2021
01 12,2020
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......   reply
01 12,2020
honestly i breathed but ok   reply
22 12,2020
about question
i think its haunted to, fujoshis come and write an extremely weird comment and never be seen again   reply
20 07,2021