MissSwiss's answer (8)

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I'll let these guys hit me anytime and I'd be thankful   3 reply
23 11,2020
Ahh yes my soap is my child   reply
23 11,2020
I didn't even have a life to begin with.   reply
23 11,2020
05 12,2020
Nah I'm a horny and depressed potato   reply
05 12,2020
23 11,2020
I do be using this cuz I'm sensitive af both inside and out   reply
23 11,2020
I just want to have a life and get it together. Why must I suffer like this   reply
23 11,2020
Ohhh is there a typesetter?? If so can I apply for that role too? I can also be a proofreader if I can! Hope it goes well.   reply
23 11,2020
23 11,2020
Is life that precious that nobody has it or is it so worthless that nobody even wants one? We'll never know ..   2 reply
23 11,2020