asleep cake's answer page 3 (54)

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what can i say i thought i would be better at reading faces lol   reply
12 12,2020
Always, i did it so many times that nowadays i just do my stuff and don't explain anything to anyone and tend i ignore ppl opnions and questions about me, or i just give a short answer, and also i ignore when ppl try to justify themselves, i don't think anyone should, only when they are in court of course, but outside of it, i don't think it's nece......   reply
09 06,2020
always that i see people talking about this kind of thing here on mangago i always think that they need to chill, like it's only porn lmao , you don't see ppl talking about animals rights or going bananas in furry porn, honestly i still don't understand why appered tons of "sjw" here on mangago, like dude you don't see they talking shit in ddlg pag......   reply
12 07,2019
Bcs i didn't find no one that interesting and i'm underage and the type of lesbian that looks like the "seme" so no one approches me so i'm just chillin ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
20 08,2017
I take it veeeeery lightly, for me it doesn't mean anything, your body and mentality don't change so nothing happens and since I'm lesbian it rly doesn't matter   2 reply
20 08,2017
about penpals
asleep cake 21 11,2017
can you add me there too? my id is osobolo ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   reply
21 11,2017
about penpals
hii my id is osobolo ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ pls put me there   reply
21 11,2017
I think it's good to balance it out, like she/he spends time with their friends and them with you, but i also think that it's good to give more time to your partner than your friends   reply
13 07,2019
Nowdays i like my whole body, i do have some "imperfections" but i'm working on them, i used to be very conscious about my body, i was too skinny, and nowdays i take a lot of care with my weight bcs i'm short and it is so easy for me to gain fat ç-ç i miss the time when i used to eat a lots and didn't gain any weight   1 reply
31 07,2017
idk what to think, maybe a sleeping beauty cake type of history lol, then am i the prince? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
15 07,2021
yall i need somebody to help me with genshin impact lol, you can dm me your UID and maybe your discord, im not a native english speaker, so dont expect me to have a perfect english ( ̄へ ̄) i enjoy some good isekai/shoujo and yaoi too, i'm not underage so i will avoid talking about any 18+ since idk yall age   1 reply
20 07,2021
Nah it's pretty normal don't worry but it's not so common   reply
16 08,2017
lol hell yes but i don't have depression, only anxiety and this kind of tendencies are something more like curious idk i can't explain very well but sometimes i have some panic attacks too and with my heart problems they become very crazy but i can control them in the most of time ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ i have been with anxiety since my 9 y/o something......   1 reply
30 06,2017
Beta Congratulations! You're a Beta! What does that mean? No one seems to be able to agree, but you're probably more functional than you give yourself credit for being! Heck yeah! It feels good to know that i'm normal lol   1 reply
11 09,2019