★°•Dion's Onahole•°★'s answer page 1 (43)
I think it's time to cleanse the forums
26 04,2021
I'll disappear on spot.
25 04,2021
That's how I wanted to look but I'm actually just an anti-social church girl who envies other girls for being able to dress and live the way they want.
1 reply
11 04,2021
I had enough of these users I thought we already passed from this sites dark times
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28 04,2021
'Work hard to succeed' The person who kept telling us that embarrassed me in our class because of ugly my project even though I really worked my ass off. But when a classmate made someone they know make it, my teacher shrug and said that's how I should do it. Thanks for embarrassing me that now I always feel like my doing my best is useless.
27 04,2021
Damn these answers makes me look like an obedient kid.
1 reply
27 04,2021
Happy Daddy's day to the only daddy I'll simp for.
2 reply
20 06,2021
you better give me your address
27 04,2021
The one who posted this question be like:
But I also came here to steal:
I made these last two:
And yes, I'm somehow proud.
1 reply
22 04,2021
I don't have a sibling but if it acts like that I'll make sure she'll never will again
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26 04,2021
I thought we're over this
20 06,2021
I just want China's space rocket to hit my house and blow away from existence
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09 05,2021
They be seeing all our disgusting sides huh...
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17 06,2021
This side character, whose name I never knew. But fell in love at first sight. Now I can die happy
I would actually die if there's a manga about him. He's from Attachment Love. Pleasee oh please tell me if he has his actual story.
21 04,2021
Libra, kinda boring lol. I rather scare those who masturbates at night.
1 reply
25 04,2021
This site's forums is much worse than I thought
25 04,2021
My first memory is when I complained to mom that my milk smells like shit when I drink it from a cup
06 06,2021
I'll straight up propose to her and get married!!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ
1 reply
19 11,2020