Flinn Ryder's baby mama's answer (5)
Dear Future Self, I hope your dead already and living it up hell! Is there porn down there? Any cuties??? Do we have a girlfriend yet!!??? If we don't you've failed me
2 reply
04 09,2020
Here are the cats in my family, they my babies!!
23 12,2020
I'm not going to become a follower of them either way so ig I'd open it.
23 12,2020
I've been on here since 2017. I liked being able to see the like to dislike ratio without having to like/dislike.
26 12,2020
Damn I'm just one of those ppl when anything directed towards me is not what I want it's either racist or homophobic but I'm always joking. It's usually with ppl I know and they laugh but everyone's different. But they clearly overreacted.
25 05,2021