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‘Tis the season to wish one another joy and love and peace. \(^o)(^0^)(o^)/



To all those who received presents for Christmas, am very happy for y’all (´・ω・)っ由

To all those who didn’t, I guess that’s something you and me have in common…Can Totally Relate


New Year’s in a few days,

Wishing all the best for the New Year and even if this year wasn’t the best for you, Pick yourself up, stay strong ᕦ( ° ʖ °)ᕤ and make 2021 the best year yet( ‾ʖ‾)

If you have been called weird by someone, Keep in mind that weird is just another word for Unique( ~ ʖ °)

If you think no one likes you, you’re deciding too soon, because there are 7 Billion People in the world and chances are, at least a Million People like you (that’s 1 with SIX zeroes)…I mean, do the math ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Don’t let anyone make you feel inferior or bad (including yourself). Because you’re stronger than you think. I mean, we’ve all been thru a lot… we’re all survivors.
Anyway, Thank you for reading. Kinda selfish of me, but I hope I was able to make y’all smile
Aaand, I’m giving away virtual hugs for the price of good art (yours, or you’re fav artist or from a manga/manhwa/webtoon)
That’s a fair deal, ryt??

I’ll say this one last time
24 12,2020
Kidnapped by a psychopath

He asks you to play a game

If you refuse, He'll do serial killer stuff on you... and torture...and stuff

You are to choose between two rooms

The door to both rooms are allowed to be opened a tiny crack so that you can see what's inside

When you open the first room, you see a sign saying 'DO NOT LOOK' in red, bold letters in the middle of the white room

When you open the second room, you hear murmurs, whispers and moans saying, 'Hide now', 'Help me' and 'Curses, curses'

Which room do you go into to save yourself?
07 03,2021
Best Husbando in Attack on Titan

The rules are pretty simple~

1. You nominate the character who you think is the BEST HUSBANDO in Attack on Titan

2. Vote the ans

3. The ans with most upvotes WINS!

4. Don't nominate the same person twice~

04 03,2021
Recently made an account on WEBTOON, still don't know how half the stuff work there...
Is there anyway to find completed webtoons there?? like idk, a tag or smth

Also, if you know any completed webtoons on WEBTOON (BL or otherwise) cud you put them down in here

c'mon help a girl out (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
19 02,2021
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear
But much more for the touch of your whips, dear
You can raise welts
Like nobody else
As we dance to the Masochism Tango
Let our love be a flame, not an ember
Say it's me that you want to dismember
Blacken my eye
Set fire to my tie
As we dance to the Masochism Tango
At your command
Before you here I stand
My heart is in my hand

It's here that I must be
My heart entreats
Just hear those savage beats
And go put on your cleats
And come and trample me

Bash in my brain
And make me scream with pain
Then kick me once again
And say we'll never part
I know too well
I'm underneath your spell
So, darling, if you smell
Something burning, it's my heart
'Scuse me!
Take your cigarette from its holder
And burn your initials in my shoulder
Fracture my spine
And swear that you're mine
As we dance to the Maso-chism Tango

Sauce_Masochism Tango-Tom Lehrer
19 07,2021
AardatLilli 12 02,2021
Looking for this user...
12 02,2021
























If you peel their skin and eat them, they'll die?
But at least they'll taste good
19 05,2021
skip to 10:10

idk, what do you think abt that???

You find that their lock screen is your photo....
06 02,2021
AardatLilli 11 02,2021
You're playing rock-paper-scissors with your reflection in the mirror



Your reflection wins....
11 02,2021
-Ethan Evaganza
04 03,2021
Basically, you make me hot and wet ~

-Ethan Evaganza
04 03,2021
Don't worry tho~











I'm left-handed :)










But I'm just really bad at drawing~
11 07,2021

I got Manticore

just curious to see what you guys get
19 11,2020
Just curious...
About the brave warriors among us, who have done this risk act...
22 07,2021
I want to watch it but i don't want to end up crying over it

shud I watch or shud I not??
16 12,2020
What if you go to school and when you reach School....

You realize that you're not wearing underwear
30 06,2021