peach's answer page 2 (28)

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first book that's ever made me actually shed tears and stare at my wall blankly for a couple hours. i will never tolerate hate against this book because it was actually so beautifully written and im forever in love with it   reply
10 02,2024
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10 02,2024
i will one day die from contracting an unknown disease from a random stray cat   3 reply
10 02,2024
23 02,2024
i can't even begin to describe the obsession i had with this man   2 reply
23 02,2024
i had this friend who id send our childhood pics to (to reminisce abt the good 'ol days) and cuz we went to kindergarten together n we were super close, but one day this girl snapped at me saying i was obsessed w her, that i was stalking her, n that it was fan behaviour?? (i probably sent like 4 pics max in total) anyways i got mad n started going......   reply
21 01,2024
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31 10,2023
this is smth that nair video guy would say   1 reply
31 10,2023
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passion fruit cuz it's literally in the name but also cuz they literally taste heavenly when eaten plain but they're actually seraphic when made into a drink or a dessert   reply
19 01,2024
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04 12,2023
start roleplaying with someone random it always works   1 reply
04 12,2023
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i could yap about this for years but anyone and everyone who hardcore defends rape plots is a bit silly   reply
04 12,2023