Unimportant_Anon's answer (2)

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Yes I have. I liked this girl in middle school, and she was so beautiful you have no idea. She had a splendid personality, with some unfortunate things going on with family. That being domestic violence. I was there for her for so long and I even got her the help she was scared to get. I confessed to her through a poem, and had a friend explain to ......   2 reply
29 10,2016
I HAVE! He was my bestest and still is my bestest online friend! We met on the website Multiplayer Piano, I went by "Lunar" and he went by "Anthony" We started roleplaying and everything and we got so close with so many friends. We're in a long distance relationship, and have been for a few years, I say about...maybe 4 years? We've known eachothe......   3 reply
29 10,2016