Forg's question page 2 (630)

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31 12,2020
so this time it was just about pee
just pee
i dunno why
17 12,2020
about crying
When They See Us
If you have I kinda want to hear your opinions on it cause I just finished it last night
19 03,2021
For me to be comfortable In any place I have to be moving Like all the time

Also does anyone else at some point realize how annoying to others it is when you click a pen over and over again
10 02,2021
Forg 17 11,2020
If i fucked a vacuum
That be considered a blowjob
17 11,2020
Forg 26 01,2021
So the other day I put a water and sugar inside of a PLASTIC BOWL and I put it in the microwave so it could heat up
And when I took it out SURPRISE SURPRISE
The bottom of the bowl broke and the stuff splattered everywhere including on my legs
So now I have a whole bunch of hole looking spots on my legs from the scorching hot thing so yea

And I have trypophobia so seeing that doesn't make me feel any better
26 01,2021
Forg 30 01,2021
Just a couple seconds ago my fingers were shaking really violently
Should I be worried or
30 01,2021
If you have some how read congratulations levi-kun then you would know what im talking about

If you dont then heres a description

So basically levi is a toddler and erwin is 18+
Erwin seggually @ss@ults and r@pes levi
And they keep doing it later on in Levi's childhood

I have so many problems with this
1. Its a shota
2. The author de-aged the character to be under the age of consent just to lewd them
3. The author said and i quote "if you dont like it take a hike"
like how disgusting can you fucking be
Making a story like that can trigger multiple people
I dunno who thought it would be good to make animted/drawn cp

(This is a different argument)
I also have a really big problem with it being so commen in anime to have a character that is 18+ but looks like they are under the age of 12
And then people chose to lewd those characters and their only excuse is their age
It bothers me and makes me uncomfortable
This is the main reason why i hate shota/lolicons
Their disgusting and ,gross
It doesn't matter if its animated or real it still cp

Eh anyways thx for reading this rant
See yall very soon
17 11,2020
about dating
Forg 16 11,2020
Write a wattpad story for this ship
16 11,2020
about lazing
Forg 15 01,2021
So I daw a tiktok saying always believe the victim
What do you smart people say about this like your opinion

(I'm not saying we should I just want others opinions on this)
15 01,2021
So I'm in class rn and we are we are working on a padlet and someone just spammed a daichi x suga dojinshi cover
25 01,2021
and i can say that im not disappointed
25 12,2020
Forg 31 12,2020
Go to my account find the album called cool click on it come back and tell me how you reacted to seeing what was in it

(idc if I do it or not)
31 12,2020
So you already heard that she ripped up my boxes for yk my tanjiro and Emma figures

So she also also likes to take tanjiro apart
She also drew on him
And broke the back of his sword

It take care of my stuff but my sister she just mmmmm
So I had to take both of them and keep them next to me while I was In class

Can t keep shit in this house
22 01,2021
Mines is my wrist
Their small so i wear those big hair ties to cover them up
13 11,2020
01 12,2020
Toady someone claimed i was faking my sexuality bc of my age Heres what they said
Deadass, no [blqnk]year old should be able to determine their sexuality. [Blank] year olds shouldn’t even be dating. Yet here you are. Exposed to all of the few people who really are gay, thinking you wanna feel like you’re in a minority. That you’re special. You are not. You are just another [blank] year old obsessing over fake women while crying yourself to sleep pretending you were just beaten up by a bunch of kids because you were lesbian. STFU. Smh smh. @DgPegger
03 06,2021