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about lmao
The creator of the vibrator was George Taylor. It was originally made as a steam-powered device that was used to cure a 'disease' called masturbation, by massaging the pelvic region.

masturbation... a disease....

"shhh i'll cure it for u, here a vibrator"
18 06,2021
about question
The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
03 06,2021
The world's first microbiologist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discovered sperm after putting his own semen under the microscope.

Anton started off by examining more family-friendly objects under the microscope, but his colleagues kept urging him to investigate semen.

Before his discovery of sperm (which he called animalcules), there were some questionable theories about how babies were made, including the belief that semen contained really tiny humans that were transferred to women during sex.

tiny humans lol. what a cute theory.
20 06,2021
about question
03 06,2021
Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.
Spades - King David
Clubs - Alexander the Great,
Hearts - Charlemagne
Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
03 06,2021
about lmao
If a storm is passing and the sun starts shining, you might be lucky enough to spot a rainbow. But did you know that you can see something just as amazing at night? While they're incredibly unusual, moonbows (or lunar rainbows) are caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light, and tend to happen most often in places with waterfalls and mist. There also needs to be a near full moon for there to be enough light for you to see it.
05 06,2021
about question
02 06,2021

Arousal to the congenitally deformed

fucking hell ik for a fact that shit hurts and why and how tf??????
02 06,2021
about question
If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.
If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.
If the horse has a all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
03 06,2021
about lmao
The comb jelly—also known as the warty comb jelly, sea walnut, or Mnemiopsis leidyi—has a disappearing butt. Sidney Tamm of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, told New Scientist that "there is no documentation of a transient anus in any other animals that I know of. It is not visible when the animal is not pooping. There's no trace under the microscope. It's invisible to me."
05 06,2021
about lmao
Till date only one person has been hanged in the USA for committing bestiality. The 16-year-old Thomas Granger was hanged to death for indulging in "buggery with a mare, a cow, two goats, divers sheepe (many sheep), two calves, and a turkey" as mentioned in the court report from 1642.
18 06,2021
about question
How did Ross find the time to tape all of those shows for free? He could record a season almost as fast as he could paint. Ross could bang out an entire 13-episode season of The Joy of Painting in just over two days, which freed him up to get back to teaching lessons, which is where he made his real money.
01 06,2021
about question
Childbirth doesn’t permanently stretch out the vagina, but expect some changes
In the days directly after giving birth vaginally, your vagina and vulva will likely feel bruised and swollen. It’s also common for your vagina to feel more open than normal on account of the human that recently passed through.

But don’t worry, the swollenness and openness subsides within a few days.

Then there’s the dryness. The postpartum body makes less estrogen, which is partially responsible for vaginal lubrication. So you’ll feel drier overall after giving birth, and especially when breastfeeding because this further suppresses estrogen production.

Although your vagina will likely remain a little wider than it was pre-birth, you can keep your vaginal muscles toned and healthy by practicing regular pelvic floor exercises.
02 06,2021
about question
Are u a dumb bitch and accidentally comically slipped and cracked ur egg? Dont worry i have a remedy for u! If an egg is accidentally dropped on the floor, sprinkle it heavily with salt for easy clean up. But i dont have a solution for ur mother who will whoop ur non-existent ass.
01 06,2021
about question
Most lipstick contains fish scales
03 06,2021
about question
Before he lent his dulcet voice to The Joy of Painting, Ross spent a lot of time yelling. "I was the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, the guy who screams at you for being late to work,” Ross once said. “The job requires you to be a mean, tough person. And I was fed up with it. I promised myself that if I ever got away from it, it wasn't going to be that way anymore."

i love him. i love him so so much.
01 06,2021
about question
The Romans used crushed mouse brains as toothpaste
03 06,2021
about crying
Mozart composed a song which literally translates to "Lick me in the arse."

The prodigy wrote the canon as a party piece for his friends. While the literal translation sounds pretty raunchy, "Leck mich im Arsch" is the equivalent of "kiss my ass," so it's not quite as outrageous as you might think
20 06,2021