Arcano Dispari's answer (6)

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Gotta love OtaYuri (Otabek x Yurio) I have a print of them right by my door 'cause I'm obsessed >~   reply
03 05,2017
I'm a bisexual woman, though I may be pansexual idk   reply
19 05,2017
Fucking relish in the fact that I won't have a period for a day Then I'd go off and have gay sex or something Idk   1 reply
12 05,2017
First anime was Attack on Titan and my first manga was Hidoku Shinaide   reply
03 05,2017
Yeah. Pretty much everyone I know (including my family) know I read yaoi. I mean, my family doesn't know that it's really sexual or anything, but all my friends do and even people I don't really talk to at school   reply
01 06,2017
Another girl kissed me one day and it kinda just hit me like "whoa I like girls" but I still liked guys so I just discovered I was bisexual like that   reply
03 07,2017