Harven's answer (6)

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Shit that's hard to choose !!!!! There are so many >< Well, I think it's the Kuroneko saga !   1 reply
06 02,2017
My first anime was Card captor sakura or Detective Conan! The episodes were on TV on morning during a special show for kids! ANd my first manga... Inuyasha! And it's still one of my top 10 manga (all genres). The anime was nice too, and I find it really similar to the manga!   1 reply
28 05,2017
OMG I love this book so much !!! Every time I re-read them again, I wish there was a 4th book with their life after !   3 reply
08 09,2018
I stopped reading, moving or breathing for a few minutes.... Then I was like: "omg... Heaven's exist....". And my friends around me were like "are u ok??". They freaked out when they saw my face (full of bliss x) )   reply
28 05,2017
21 y/o, French fujoshi since middle school! Currently a pharmacy student :)   reply
06 11,2016
Ameiro Paradox, Honto yajuu, Crimson spell and Ze.... But first I want the 3rd season of Sekaiichi hatsukoi !!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   reply
16 10,2016