toilet terrorist's question page 1 (29)

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Someone just told me that fuckass story got its last chapter i read it and ngl i dont rlly care about it but happy endings for THIS LEVEL of toxic lowkey piss a little because like, why not end it in a tragedy?? YOU HAD THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY?!!?! Anyways, how do you guys feel about it? the final chapter was 131 btw
10 11,2023
I have so many but for GL mine is when the women are just having sex 24/7 and theres no plot. For BL its when the bottoms have boobs, like actually full on breasts *cough*full volume*cough* .
04 09,2023
about eat food
Shoujo/Shounen ai included here, an actual GOOD story where the relationships arent based off of shit straight out of eurphoria. No rape no SA and no outworldly emotional abuse/manipulation. Decent drama or conflict but nun irredeemable.
28 03,2024
about love yuri
It dont hit the same no more bro its like halloween doesnt exist and its just another day
31 10,2023
Now im not talking about illegal ones, those are just pedos but im talking about the ones that are technically legal but feel ILLEGAL. Like why are some of these dudes 30 and their partners will be like 18 or 19?? At your GROWN ASS AGE youre still dating dudes whos ages end in teen??? These mofos r on crack istg, cant spell "predator" without top ..Lmk how yall feel abt it
09 11,2023
Ive been seeing people straight up misinform others without properly researching what they're talking about and when they get caught it looks so stupid. So i wanna ask, have yall ever fact checked or seen someone fact check another persons lies? Let me know because ive done it AND its happened to my dumbass 
09 10,2023
about lmao
Was doomscrolling on my youtube feed and found a video about gay people in church and looked through the comment section. Lauren had an interesting opinion, what do yall think of this
16 days
So ive noticed that when i click on a random profile of a comment a lot of the time the user follows me but this is just HILARIOUSS Clicked on the profile of a comment that was saying how some sexual assault scene was SOOOO hot and THEYY WERE FOLLOWING MEE?? That shit is so fuckin ironic like WHATT AREE YOUU DOINNGG THEREE LIL BRO So i gotta ask, you guys actually look at profiles of people you follow or what?

Anyway please join the 15+ new Lady first mgg server :3
03 03,2024
Im a "$20 is $20" kind of guy so personally, i would go outside in a dress and makeup if a homeboy pullin up with a fat stack . Im curious though, how far would yall go?
24 08,2023
Popular ≠ liked to be clear, im talking about ones with a good reputation ykwim
30 01,2024
I had no idea this was a debate but i stand corrected, tell me your opinions on this. Obviously they cannot, its a fact, its just strange to see someone dispute this. Please do not attack anybody here and be civil, thank you.
27 10,2023
This is by, the person who created the most popular one.

“Why are you so obsessed with me?”
Toilet terrorist lips were tracing No.’ collarbone when the older man spoke, in a whisper. Toilet terrorist didn’t stop, continuing to taste his skin inch by inch.
“Answer me.”
He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to break the contract. Not now that he had No. pinned under him, finally. With one hand, he was holding No.’ arms above his head, with the other, he was feeling the soft skin of his abdomen under his shirt.
“Toilet terrorist.”
All right.
He finally moved his lips away from No.’ neck and hovered right above No.’ face, looking him right into his eyes.
No.' eyes were glassy, his pupils dilated, heavy eyelids making his expression so…
“You’re hot.”
Toilet terrorist said, in a low murmur, before going straight to No.’ lips with his own. So soft, so good, so sweet.
He had dreamed of this for so long, it still seemed like a dream. A part of his imagination.

He wasn’t dreaming, was he?
No.' soft lips slightly parted, and Toilet terrorist accepted the invitation, sliding his tongue inside his mouth.
A sound came out of No., a low moan, that made Toilet terrorist go absolutely insane.
His cock had already been hard for a while now, but in that instant, he could have sworn he felt all the blood from his entire body sway towards his member.

The kiss was slow, intense, and so fucking hot. Kissing No. was categorically one of the best experiences of Toilet terrorist’s whole life.
No. was right.
Toilet terrorist was fucking obsessed with him.
He wanted to spend every minute of his day with him.
He wanted to kiss every inch of his body.
He wanted to…
“Touch me”
No. broke apart from the kiss and, with the most sensual tone Toilet terrorist could ever imagine, said that.
Toilet terrorist silently agreed, his gaze stuck on No.’ exposed collarbone. To be truthful, he wasn’t listening to him much. His mind spiraling, thinking about all the things he wanted to do to the guy sitting in front of him
Get a grip, Toilet terrorist.
He thought to himself, trying to come back to planet earth.
“Touch me.”
Toilet terrorist obliged, his hand traveling slowly from No.’ stomach to his groin area, as his fingers started playing with the band of his underwear.
“Don’t be a tease, Toilet terrorist.”
“I want to take it slow”
He answered as he was watching his own hand playing with the underwear band. His real desire was to undress No. right away and touch him, and kiss him again, and lick his beautiful pale skin all over.
But he needed this to be a very good experience for No.. No. He needed this to be the best experience for him. Because there was no way it could be only a one-time thing.
See, Toilet terrorist is smart. But he’s also calculating. He was already planning in his head all the future encounters of this.. kind.
He had to take his time. Perhaps tease the guy a little bit.
He let go of No.’ wrists and pushed himself up into a sitting position, on top of No.’ thighs, and proceeded to take off his own shirt, his gaze fixed on No.’ glassy and fervent eyes.
No. reached out toward his abs right away, his expression clearly very pleased.
Toilet terrorist took No.’ hand in between his fingers and started tracing it around his pecks, shifting his weight forward again to get closer.
With his lips and tongue, he started tasting No.’ neck and collarbone once again, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his skin.
“Fuck, No., I-”
he said softly, with his eyes closed, relishing in the moment with all of his senses.
“Take that off”
He told No., but then No.’ hands left his body, and it made Toilet terrorist so sad.
No. took his blouse off and cupped Toilet terrorist’s face with his palms. And this time it was No. kissing him.
This kiss was different, it was decisive, fast, hungry, and.. so fucking hot.
Their tongues were everywhere all at once, it was getting messy very fast as Toilet terrorist didn’t have time to even swallow his own saliva.
Toilet terrorist was still grinding his hips on No.’, slowly losing rhythm as the intense kiss was distracting him from his previously thought easy plan.
Now No.’ hands were on Toilet terrorist’s belt buckle and-
Wait what?
What was happening? This wasn’t supposed to happen. Toilet terrorist was supposed to be the one in control. To be the one to tease No. and make him want this more often.
Dassit yall
13 11,2023
Openly admitting you want to see CSA and ICP of a 10-11 year old boy and someone turning 18. That shit not funny its shameful.
19 09,2023
Even in the most recent chapters Jaeshin ignores consent while sucking Nok off even though he said stop multiple times. The plot is interesting and art is beautiful but it seems even ignores the massive amount of sexual violence? Or theyre just not discussed? I never seem to find any constructive criticism. Opinions please.
30 10,2023
Im talking about these users and their horrific conversation, i have them both blocked after this. Not to mention one of them in a pedophile and the other..seemingly a pedophile supporter.
Just look at the simple interaction they had here:
At first i just clowned on chlorine and his buddies because i wanted to make their days worse but now, theyre just very distastedul along with that fetishizer @saki that i see so often. Enough said about these disgusting creatures @mari and @chlorine, anybody willing to share their own experiences?
18 11,2023
Is it gay or is it just gangstalicious shorts for thugs? Real difficult question there ...
11 08,2023
about penpals
Put the name/picture of a character you dispise and an image that describes them lol, i wanna see what yall gonna answer with
29 08,2023