Tyra the turtle's answer page 3 (757)

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But isn’t that you.....   reply
27 11,2020
Sometimes I fake showering, like I’ll literally have the shower running, and just be sitting on the toilet on my phone. Ik I’m wasting water, I rlly need to stop.   4 reply
28 11,2020
I mean all things considered you probably deleted the mangago news acc.. BUT...TIDDY MILK ALL THE WAYYY   1 reply
03 02,2021
Tyra the turtle
11 05,2021
Me who uses fake scenarios to get myself to sleep   1 reply
11 05,2021
I’m sorry but I would totally want to be a hot guy, Bc I want girls to simp over me... This is what I want to look like...   2 reply
23 11,2020
Honestly, I’d be throwing hands ngl, or shoes, whatever works.   2 reply
27 11,2020
You should smile more, stfu chad, What’s wrong with you, Chile I’m not mirror, so stop talking to me like I am one. Did I ask,   reply
27 11,2020
about eat food
That cranberry thing at thanksgiving, who thought that was a good idea? Who? Smh   2 reply
23 12,2020
thats weird how close it is   3 reply
13 01,2021
Only 3, I had to murder my family after they were being all homophobic and shit   3 reply
12 06,2021
Sperm...   2 reply
12 01,2021
I had no clue ppl actually used this argument, Chile anyways...   1 reply
04 02,2021
Call an ambulance, and then once’s she wakes up make her pay me back If she doesn’t, take her to court and sue her   reply
22 04,2021
Wow the answer to this question is as essential to life as why I need to learn about photosynthesis and what happens in the thylakoids during it.   reply
01 12,2020
about question
A user who can and will block you.   2 reply
06 01,2021
LOVE YOU FOR THIS, but fr the person who posted that can suck my dildo smhhhhh   reply
13 12,2020
Since everyone acts like I don’t exist, I expect to see my picture on that site.   reply
27 11,2020
A reason to live..   2 reply
01 12,2020
Tyra the turtle
31 12,2020
Puthy talented it do cartwheels   1 reply
31 12,2020